Viewing subscription status

ArcGIS Online is based on an annual subscription that offers a set of plans from which you can choose. Each plan includes a number of named users and service credits. Service credits are the currency for ArcGIS Online and are used in exchange for any of the hosted services an ArcGIS Online subscriber uses. How you use ArcGIS Online determines the number of service credits you consume. For more information, see Service credits overview which includes access to an interactive Service Credits Estimator.

Administrators can view detailed reports about their organization's storage, analytics, premium content, and published content. Each report displays the number of units and credits used over a selected amount of time, for example, the last 24 hours or the current month, in a well-formatted table as well as charts. General information about the organization is also displayed including how many members are in the organization and how many credits remain.

Viewing subscription status

To see the status of your subscription, verify that you are logged in to the website and that you are an administrator of your organization. From the top of the site, click the My Organization button. Click the View Status link under the Subscription Status section of the page.

General information

The top of the Status page shows the creation date of the organization, when you need to renew the subscription, the number of members who have joined the organization out of the number remaining on the subscription, and the remaining number of credits.


The remaining number of credits and members is based on the subscription your organization has purchased. Additional users and service credits are available as add-on features of any subscription plan. If you are in the United States, you can add additional users and credits by upgrading your subscription online, or by calling 1-800-447-9778, or by contacting your local Esri office. If you are outside the United States, please contact your local Esri office.

Viewing detailed reports and changing the time range

By default, you see detailed reports about your storage, analytics, premium content, and published content for the last 24 hours. You can change the time range to the last 7 days, last 30 days, the current month, the previous month, or a custom range based on a start date and end date.

Navigating the charts

The pie and line charts on the page are browsable using the mouse, the keyboard, or touch screen gestures. The pie chart at the top of the page shows how your organization has used its credits over the time period you have selected to view. Click or tap a slice of the pie to view the number of credits. You can also click or tap the name of the status report to the right of the pie chart to see the number of credits.


If a category represents a very small percentage of your overall credit use, it may not appear in the pie chart.

The line chart at the bottom of the page shows details for a specific type of storage, analytics, premium content, or published content, for example, feature storage or tile generation. Click the name of the status report to the right of the pie chart at the top of the page to access the line chart. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and drag the mouse to pan the chart. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Plus Sign on your keyboard to zoom in and press Ctrl+Minus Sign on your keyboard to zoom out. Double-click the mouse to alternate between the fit mode (entire chart fits into existing space) and zoom mode.

To navigate line charts on touch devices, such as an iPad or an Android-based tablet, use the spread gesture to zoom in and use the pinch gesture to zoom out. Tap the screen to pan and double-tap to alternate between the fit mode and the zoom mode.

Overall credit usage

A pie chart shows how your organization has used its credits over the time period you have selected to view. For example, your organization may have used 88.7 percent of its credits over the past week for geocoding, 1.5 percent of credits for feature storage, and 9.8 percent of credits for tile generation. Click a slice of the pie to view the number of credits.


Storage contains information on the average amount of tiles, features, and files your organization has stored on ArcGIS Online over the time period you've selected. Reports are updated every hour.


Tiles reports show the average amount of space (in gigabytes) and credits your organization is using to store your organization's published content. For more information, see Hosted tiled map services.

Click the Tiles link to view a line chart of storage over the time period you selected at the top of the page.


Features shows the average amount of space (in gigabytes) and credits your organization is using to store hosted feature services. See Hosted feature services for more information.

Click the Features link to view a line chart of storage over the time period you selected at the top of page.


Files shows the average amount of space (in megabytes) and credits your organization is using to store files. For more information about files, see About geographic information.

Click the Files link to view a line chart of storage over the time period you selected at the top of the page.

Analytics - Usage

Analytics contains information on your organization's usage of geocoding, GeoEnrichment, Network Analysis, and Spatial Analysis. Reports are updated approximately every ten minutes.


Geocoding shows the number of address locations that have been matched in the context of publishing hosted feature services from the website using CSV files or adding CSV files directly to web maps. Unmatched addresses do not count toward your geocode usage.

Click the Geocoding link to view a line chart of geocodes over the time period you selected for your reports. Click the arrow icon next to Show and choose Credits or Locations, depending on what you want to see in the chart.


GeoEnrichment shows the number of data variables your organization has consumed using GeoEnrichment reports, data, or infographics. The report also shows the number of credits consumed.

Click the GeoEnrichment link to view a line chart of queries over the time period you selected for your reports. Click the arrow icon next to Show and choose Credits or Requests, depending on what you want to see in the chart. For any service listed, click the check box to the left of the service name to view the number of credits or requests for that service in the line chart.

Network Analysis

Network Analysis shows the number of routes and other network analysis operations your organization has generated using Network Analysis Services. The report also shows the number of credits consumed and the number of routes created.

Click the Network Analysis link to view a line chart of routes over the time period you selected for your reports and to view a list of the network analysis services your organization accessed. Click the arrow icon next to Show and choose Credits or Routes, depending on what you want to see in the chart. For any service listed, click the check box to the left of the service name to view the number of credits or routes for that service in the line chart.

Spatial Analysis

Spatial Analysis shows the usage of analytics by users and apps within your organization. The report also shows the number of credits consumed and the number of requests generated.

Click the Spatial Analysis link to view a line chart of requests over the time period you selected for your reports and to view a list of the spatial analysis services your organization accessed. Click the arrow icon next to Show and choose Credits or Requests, depending on what you want to see in the chart. For any service listed, click the check box to the left of the service name to view the number of requests or credits for that service in the line chart.

Premium Content - Usage

Premium Content contains information on ArcGIS ready-to-use layers and tools your organization has accessed.


Demographics show the number of demographic maps published by Esri your organization has viewed over the time period you selected for your reports.

Click the Demographics link to view a line chart of demographic maps over the time period you selected for your reports. Click the arrow icon next to Show and choose Credits or Requests and Map Draws or Map Queries depending on what you want to see in the chart. For any map listed, click the check box to the left of the map name to view the number of credits or requests for that map in the line chart.

Published Content - Usage

Published Content contains information on the usage of your organization's tiles and features and your organization's tile generation. You are not charged credits for bandwidth. Reports are updated approximately every ten minutes.


Tiles shows the amount of usage (in gigabytes) of your published tile content by users and apps within or external to your organization. Calls to get the service description in the service directory do not count toward your tile usage.

Click the Tiles link to view a line chart of tiles over the time period you selected for your reports and to view a list of the hosted tiled map services published by your organization. Click the arrow icon next to Show and choose Credits or Requests, depending on what you want to see in the chart. For any service listed, click the check box to the left of the service name to view tile generation information for that service in the line chart. Click the service name to open the item details page for that service.


Features shows the amount of usage (in gigabytes) of your published feature content by users and apps within or external to your organization. Calls to get the service description in the service directory do not count toward your feature bandwidth.

Click the Features link to view a line chart of tile bandwidth over the time period you selected for your reports and to view a list of the hosted feature services published by your organization. Click the arrow icon next to Show and choose Credits or Requests, depending on what you want to see in the chart. For any service listed, click the check box to the left of the service name to view feature bandwidth information for that service in the line chart. Click the service name to open the item details page for that service.

Tile Generation

Tile generation shows the number of map image files, or tiles, your organization has created for hosted tiled map services. To learn more about the different ways you can create tiled map services in ArcGIS Online, see Hosted tiled map services. The report also shows the number of credits consumed and the number of tiles generated.

Click the Tile Generation link to view a line chart of tile generation over the time period you selected for your reports and to view a list of the hosted tiled map services published by your organization. Click the arrow icon next to Show and choose Credits or Tiles, depending on what you want to see in the chart. For any service listed, click the check box to the left of the service name to view tile generation information for that service in the line chart. Click the service name to open the item details page for that service.
