Printing map series and map sheets with Atlas command

10.2.1 is the final release in which MPS-Atlas is available for installation. It is recommended that map series created with MPS-Atlas be moved to data driven pages. For more information, see Migrating an MPS-Atlas map book to Data Driven Pages.
There are several options available for printing map sheets within map documents as well as the map documents themselves. The options for printing with the Atlas command are similar to what is available for exporting.
Assigning a printer
For each printer option, you must indicate the printer to be used. The printer is defined using its local or network path.
Syntax for assigning a printer is as follows:
Syntax for assigning a printer
Atlas /print /printer:<path to the printer>
Run the command prompt by doing the following:
- Click the Start button, then click Run.
- Type cmd in the Open text box.
- Click OK.
Change the prompt to the location where the Atlas command is located:
cd C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin
Type the following:Atlas /print /printer:<path to the printer>.
The path to the printer is the local or network path to the printer you want to use.
For example, to print the map document layout, you would use the following:
Atlas /print /printer:\\printername\Predator /print:layout /mxd:"C:\Documents and Settings\Test\Desktop\Doc70.mxd"
- Press Enter.
Printing the layout
With the Atlas command, you can choose to print only the layout for a particular map document. This includes all the elements in the layout at the time it is printed.
The syntax for printing the map layout is as follows:
Syntax for printing the map layout
Atlas /print:layout /printer:<path to printer> /mxd:<map document path>
Run the command prompt by doing the following:
- Click the Start button, then click Run.
- Type cmd in the Open text box.
- Click OK.
Change the prompt to the location where the Atlas command is located:
cd C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin
Type the following;Atlas /print /printer:<path to the printer> /mxd:<map document path>.
The path to the printer is the local or network path to the printer you want to use. The map document path is the local path to the map document whose layout you want to print.
For example, to print the map document layout for Doc70, you would use the following:
Atlas /print:layout /printer:\\printserver\Printer1 /mxd:"C:\Documents and Settings\Test\Desktop\Doc70.mxd"
- Press Enter.
Printing a single map sheet from the first map series in the map document
The Atlas command allows you to print a single map sheet from the very first map series in a single map document. This means that if you have multiple map series in the same document, only the specified map sheet in the first map series is going to be printed.
The syntax for printing a single map sheet is as follows:
Syntax for printing a map sheet from the first map series in a map document
Atlas /print:1:<map sheet number>-<same map sheet number> /printer:<path to printer> /mxd:<map document path>
Run the command prompt by doing the following:
- Click the Start button, then click Run.
- Type cmd in the Open text box.
- Click OK.
Change the prompt to the location where the Atlas command is located:
cd C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin
Type the following:Atlas /print:1:1-1 /printer:<printer path> /mxd:<map document path>.
The first part designates that you are printing the first map sheet in the first map series. For example, to print the 3rd map sheet in the first map series, you would type "1:3-3".
The printer path is the local or network location of the printer you want to use. The map document path is the local path to the map document that contains the map sheet you want to print.
In the example below, the second map sheet is going to be printed from the first map series in the map document.
Atlas /print:1:2-2 /printer:\\servername\Printer1 /mxd:"C:\Documents and Settings\Test\Desktop\Doc70.mxd"
- Press Enter.
Printing a range of map sheets from the first map series in the map document
When you do not specify the name or identification number of a map series, the Atlas command automatically uses the first map series in the map document. Similar to other methods for printing map sheets, you can specify a range to export. The starting and ending numbers correspond with the order of the page numbers in the map series.
Syntax for exporting a range of map sheets from the first series in a map document is as follows:
Syntax for exporting a range of map sheets from a map series
Atlas /print:StartingNumber-EndingNumber /printer:<path to printer> /mxd:<map document path>
Run the command prompt by doing the following:
- Click the Start button, then click Run.
- Type cmd in the Open text box.
- Click OK.
Change the prompt to the location where the Atlas command is located:
cd C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin
Type the following: Atlas /print:<StartingNumber>-<EndingNumber> /printer:<path to printer> /mxd:<map document path>.
The StartingNumber and EndingNumber are the starting and ending number range of map sheets, and the path to the printer is the local or network path to the printer you want to use. The map document path is the local path to the map document that contains the map sheets you want to print.
In the example below, map sheets 1–3 are going to be printed from the Doc70 map document.
Atlas /print:1-3 /printer:\\servername\Printer1 /mxd:"C:\Documents and Settings\Test\Desktop\Doc70.mxd"
- Press Enter.
Printing a range of map sheets from a map series specified by name
When you only want to print certain map sheets from a map series, you can specify the name of the map series and the starting and ending numbers for the map sheets you want to print. The Atlas command only prints the range of map sheets you specify in the map series you specify.
The syntax for printing a range of map sheets in a map series is as follows:
Syntax for printing a range of map sheets from a map series
Atlas /print:<map series name>:StartingNumber-EndingNumber /printer:<path to printer> /mxd:<map document path>
Run the command prompt by doing the following:
- Click the Start button, then click Run.
- Type cmd in the Open text box.
- Click OK.
Change the prompt to the location where the Atlas command is located:
cd C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin
Type the following: Atlas /print:<map series name>:<StartingNumber>-<EndingNumber> /printer:<path to printer> /mxd:<map document path>.
The map series name is the name of the map series and the StartingNumber and EndingNumber are the starting and ending number range of map sheets, and the path to the printer is the local or network path to the printer you want to use. The map document path is the local path to the map document that contains the map sheets you want to print.
In this example, map sheets 1–3 in Map Series 1 are going to be printed.
Atlas /print:"Map Series 1":1-3 /printer:\\servername\Printer1 /mxd:"C:\Documents and Settings\Test\Desktop\Doc70.mxd"
- Press Enter.
Printing a range of map sheets from a map series specified by number
The Atlas command can be used to print map sheets within a specified series by indicating a page range. Both the map series and map sheets are defined by numbers. The map series is indicated by a number that corresponds with its order in the map document. The page numbers match the order of the map sheets in the map series, so the third map sheet in the series would be considered page 3 and the seventh page 7.
The syntax for printing a range of map sheets from a map series is as follows:
Syntax for printing a range of map sheets from a map series
Atlas /print: map series number:<StartingNumber>-<EndingNumber> /printer:<path to printer> /mxd:<map document path>
Run the command prompt by doing the following:
- Click the Start button, then click Run.
- Type cmd in the Open text box.
- Click OK.
Change the prompt to the location where the Atlas command is located:
cd C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin
Type the following: Atlas /print:<map series number>:<StartingNumber>-<EndingNumber> /mxd:<map document path>.
The map series number is the number of the map series that contains the sheets you want to print, and the StartingNumber and EndingNumber are the starting and ending number range of map sheets. The map document path is the local path to the map document that contains the map sheets you want to print.
In the example below, map sheets 3–7 are going to be printed from map series 2.
Atlas /print:2:3-7 /printer:\\servername\Printer1 /mxd:"C:\Documents and Settings\Test\Desktop\Doc70.mxd"
- Press Enter.
Printing all map sheets
As needed, you can use the Atlas command to print all the map sheets from all the map series contained in the map document.
Syntax for printing all the map sheets from all map series is as follows:
Syntax for printing all maps sheets from all map series in a map document
Atlas /print:all /printer:<path to printer> /mxd:<map document path>
Run the command prompt by doing the following:
- Click the Start button, then click Run.
- Type cmd in the Open text box.
- Click OK.
Change the prompt to the location where the Atlas command is located:
cd C:\Program Files\ESRIProductionMapping\Desktop10.0\Bin
Type the following: Atlas /print:all /printer:<path to printer> /mxd:<map document path>.
The path to the printer is the local or network path to the printer you want to use. The map document path is the local path to the map document that contains the map sheets you want to print.
In this example, all the map sheets in all the map series from the Doc70 file are going to be printed.
Atlas /print:all /printer:\\servername\Printer1 /mxd:"C:\Documents and Settings\Test\Desktop\Doc70.mxd"
Press Enter.
Leaving the option blank prints all the map sheets in all map series, the same result as using the "all" option, as in the following example:
Atlas /print /printer:\\printername\Predator /print: /mxd:"C:\Documents and Settings\Test\Desktop\Doc70.mxd"
In addition, when leaving the option blank to print all map series and map sheets, the colon after /print is optional.