00137: Query table has a non-integer unique identifier field
The unique identifier field chosen for this query table is a noninteger, and you are attempting to publish to ArcGIS for Server.
- Choose an integer field for the query table unique identifier field.
- In the table of contents, right-click the query table whose query you would like to modify.
- Click Properties to open the Properties dialog box.
- Click the Source tab.
- Click Change query.
- Check the Show Advanced Options check box on the Edit Query Layer dialog box.
- Click Next.
- Choose only a single integer field from the Unique Identifier Field(s) field list.
- Click Finish.
More information
Although you can use noninteger fields as unique identifiers for a query table, publishing query tables to ArcGIS for Server requires that the identifier field be an integer.
Learn more about authoring feature services for ArcGIS for Server