Steps for developing and deploying a server object extension
Developing and deploying a map or image service server object extension (SOE) takes several steps.
- Install the ArcObjects SDK—Before you begin working with SOEs, you need to install the ArcObjects SDK for your language of choice, as well as a corresponding integrated development environment (IDE) in which you can write and debug the code. .
- Write the code—When working in Java, you can get started creating an SOE using an Eclipse plug-in wizard. The wizard ensures that your SOE implements the required interfaces and can respond to REST or SOAP web service calls.
- Build your project and package it into an .soe file—Starting at ArcGIS 10.1 for Server, SOEs are encapsulated in an .soe file. After compiling your code, you create the .soe file using Esri-provided utilities integrated into your IDE.
- Deploy the SOE—Before you can use your SOE, you need to deploy it to ArcGIS Server. You can do this in ArcGIS Server Manager by browsing to your .soe file.
- Enable the SOE on your map or image service—When you create or edit the service, you can enable the SOE. The next time the service starts, the SOE is available for use. If the SOE exposes properties, a property page in Manager allows you to set those.
As an SOE developer, you can extend this property page and/or write a property page for use on the Service Editor dialog box in ArcGIS for Desktop. The samples in the ArcObjects SDK explain how to do this.
- Use the SOE-enabled service in a client application that you develop—Since an SOE is just a web service that takes HTTP requests, many types of clients can invoke it. In the case of REST SOEs, this includes the ArcGIS web and mobile APIs. In the case of SOAP SOEs, it includes any client that can make a SOAP web service request. The client code must set up the parameters for the SOE, make the web service call, and handle the response.
The above steps are explained in further detail in subsequent topics of this help system.