Make Traversal (Production Mapping)
Combines existing line features into a single route feature class using feature attributes, attributes from joined tables, or a combination thereof.

At version 10.2.1, linear referencing functionality is deprecated. Tools associated with linear referencing in Production Mapping can still be found in the Customize dialog box, in the Production Mapping Tools category. At the next major release of Production Mapping, this functionality will not be available.
It is recommended that you use Esri Roads and Highways to maintain your linear referencing information.
The Output Feature Class (out_feature_class) will have M (measure) values.
The Output Feature Cass (out_feature_class) will only contain fields from the Input Line Features (in_line_features) that are used as dissolve fields.
The route identifier is calculated either as a unique value or as the concatenation of the dissolve fields.
The minimum and maximum measures will be added to the output features as the From Measure Output Field and To Measure Output fields.
When the LENGTH or ONE_FIELD Measure Source option is used, the Coordinate Property of Lower Left is used. Measures will be accumulated from the point closest to the minimum bounding rectangle's lower left corner.
When the LENGTH, ONE_Field, or CALIBRATION Measure Source option is used, spatial gaps will be ignored. Measure values will be continuous for disjointed routes.
A search radius of infinity cannot be specified for the calibration properties.
If any features are rejected by the Make Traversal process, an XML log file is created to store information about those features. The file will be written to the <application data>\ESRI\Production10.2\Desktop\Editing\LogFiles\Production Make Traversal directory.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_line_features |
The feature layer or path to the feature class that contains the linear features you want to merge. | Feature Layer |
in_dissolve_field [in_dissolve_field,...] |
The list of fields in the line feature class whose values determine whether or not line features are going to be merged. Examples of these fields could include RouteName, RouteNumber, and Direction, for example, I-10-WB. | Value Table |
out_feature_class |
The path to and name of the new feature class that will contain the merged features. | Feature Class |
out_roadway_identifier |
The field in the output feature class that will contain the route identifiers. If in_use_dissolve_field is TRUE, the dissolve field values are used as the route identifier. If in_use_dissolve_field is FALSE, a unique number value is used as the route identifier. | String |
in_use_dissolve_field (Optional) |
Indicates whether or not the dissolve field values will be used as the route identifiers.
| Boolean |
in_separation_character (Optional) |
One or more characters you want to use to separate concatenated values for the route identifier when more than one dissolve field is specified. If no separation character is specified, the values are concatenated. If the in_use_dissolve_field value is NO_DISSOLVE, this value is ignored. | String |
out_from_measure (Optional) |
The name of the field that is going to contain the from-measure values for the merged features. The default value is F_Meas. | String |
out_to_measure (Optional) |
The name of the field that is going to contain the to-measure values for the merged features. The default value is T_Meas. | String |
in_allow_multipart_features (Optional) |
Indicates whether or not multipart features can be created when features are merged based on their dissolve field values.
| Boolean |
in_measure_source (Optional) |
Specifies how route measures will be obtained for the merged features.
| String |
in_from_measure (Optional) |
The field that contains the starting measure values. This parameter is required if you choose ONE_FIELD or TWO_FIELDS for the in_measure_source parameter. The field you choose is from the input feature class and must be numeric. | Field |
in_to_measure (Optional) |
The field that contains the ending measure values. This parameter is required if you choose TWO_FIELDS for the in_measure_source parameter. The field you choose is from the input feature class and must be numeric. | Field |
in_calibration_point_feature (Optional) |
The feature layer or path to the point feature class that contains calibration points that will be used to determine the length of merged line features. This parameter is required if you choose CALIBRATION for the in_measure_source parameter. | Feature Layer |
in_calibration_identifier_field (Optional) |
The field within the calibration point feature class that contains the calibration point identifiers. The values in this field match those that are created in the out_roadway_identifier parameter. This parameter is required if you choose CALIBRATION for the in_measure_source parameter. | Field |
in_measure_field (Optional) |
The field in the calibration point feature class that contains the measure values. This field must be numeric. This parameter is required if you choose CALIBRATION for the in_measure_source parameter. | Field |
in_search_radius (Optional) |
The amount of space that can exist between the calibration point and the route. If the distance between the calibration point and the line is further than the specified value, the calibration point is not used to determine the measure value. | Linear unit |
Code Sample
The following Python window example demonstrates how to use the MakeTraversal function with production mapping sample data. The code creates a feature layer from the RoadL feature class. The code then creates a route from this feature layer by dissolving on the name field. Output is written to the file geodatabase. Use this code from ArcMap or ArcCatalog with the Production Mapping extension enabled.
import arcpy
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(r'C:\data\SoCal.gdb\SoCal\RoadL',"RoadL","nam <> 'UNK'")