What's new in ArcGIS for Aviation (Aviation)
The 10.2 release of ArcGIS for Aviation contains new functionality and several enhancements.
New at 10.2.2
Several additions have been made to the Airports data model to support ICAO Annex 15 requirements for Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD).
A new eTOD feature dataset has been added containing three obstacle feature classes: VerticalStructurePoint, VerticalStructureLine, and VerticalStructurePolygon. The eTOD feature dataset also contains a polygon feature class named ObstacleArea for storing ICAO Annex 15 obstacle coverage areas. The ObstacleArea feature class can also be used to store OIS polygon features and can accept output from the obstruction identification surface creation tools. Attributed, many-to-many relationship classes link the vertical structure features to the ObstacleArea polygons in which they are found. A stand-alone table, eTODVerticalStructure, has also been added to hold additional attributes per point, line, or polygon obstacle feature.

Support for obstacle data meeting requirements for FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-18B is still implemented within the Airspace feature dataset of the Airports data model.

New at 10.2.1
With this update, there are several significant changes to ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting.
New Obstruction Identification Surfaces tool
The Obstruction Identification Surfaces tool is a new tool on the Aviation Airports toolbar. It opens the Obstruction Identification Surface window, which can be used to generate obstruction identification surfaces (OISs) for runways and heliports. OISs can be created for runways based on the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300 18B, FAA Regulations Part 77, ICAO Annex 14, and ICAO Annex 15 specifications. OISs for heliports can be created based on the FAA Regulations Part 77 specification.
This tool provides the same flexibility as the OIS geoprocessing tools available with earlier releases of ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting, in the Aviation toolbox.
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New geoprocessing toolbox
The obstruction identification surfaces geoprocessing tools have been rewritten and are now in a new toolbox named Aviation OIS. These tools have been simplified so that dimensions of the surfaces are based on the specifications and cannot be modified.

New at 10.2
At release 10.2, ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting contains several changes, including a name change.
Product name change
Esri Aeronautical Solution is now ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting, and the Airports portion of the extension is now ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports. Together, they are named ArcGIS for Aviation.
The toolbars have also been renamed, as have the toolboxes. Tools that previously contained Aeronautical in their names have been updated to Aviation. Examples include the Aviation North Arrow, Aviation Scale Bar, and the Create Aviation Geodatabase geoprocessing tool.
Airports tools
OIS Obstruction Analysis is a new tool that analyzes the intersections between obstruction identification surfaces and obstruction data. It is located on the Aviation Airports toolbar.
Change Reporter revisions
The Change Reporter tool has been significantly rewritten at this release.
- You can now create preferences, similar to other tools, that store the instance, feature class, and table information.
- The Change Reporter tool can analyze parent and child versions of the production database instead of only transactional versions of the default version.
- You can also use supplemental areas of interest (AOIs) when running the tool.
- You can create a new Reviewer session for storing the Change Reporter results. This allows you to easily create a new session if another already has Change Reporter results in it.
- The Change Reporter Results dialog box provides detailed information about the series, products, and instances that contain changes. You can also start a Reviewer session directly from this dialog box.
- The Change Details window displays the exact change information for each record and can be docked anywhere in ArcMap.
Element Catalog Viewer
- The Element Catalog Viewer is a new tool that allows you to manage the data-driven elements on your products. It refreshes the information in the element catalog and removes elements that are in the catalog but do not currently appear on the product.
Cartographic production
New tools have been added that assist in the management of cartographic elements and exporting products.
- Batch Export Products is a command that allows you to export one or more products as PDFs, layout GeoTIFFs, or Production PDF files.
- You can also view and configure the settings for each export type before completing the process.
Geoprocessing changes
Support for military airport and heliport surfaces has been added to the FAA FAR 77 geoprocessing tool.
Other changes
A new tutorial is available that demonstrates validating aviation data, creating obstacle identification surfaces, and analyzing obstacle features against a surface.