Modifying extraction queries by overriding (Aviation)

You can replace the exact values as needed in instances where you are using different attribute values to determine which features are going to be extracted from a database. For example, if you are using the compilation scale value for features to determine which features need to be extracted for a chart, you can change the values at the product, instance, or AOI level. The compilation scale used could be 8,000 at the product class level but 40,000 for a specific product in a series.

You can also choose to completely override an existing extraction query with different conditions for the same table or feature class. As an example, you can choose to only select features using the compilation scale at the product level, while the original extraction query uses the compilation scale and specific feature class subtypes.

You can also modify extraction queries by appending an AND or an Or operator at the end of the WHERE clause.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

    Product Library tree view
  3. If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
  4. Navigate to the series, product, instance, or AOI for which you want to override the extraction query.
  5. Right-click the product, instance, or area of interest and click Properties.

    Extraction queries can be applied at the instance level (common for nautical charts) or at the series level if all the products associated with that series will have the same compilation scale.

    The properties dialog box appears for the series, product, instance, or AOI.

  6. Click Extraction on the left side of the dialog box.

    The extraction properties appear. The Settings area is blank.

  7. Right-click in the Settings table and click Add Record.
    Adding a record in the Extraction pane

    A new row appears in the Settings table.

  8. Click the drop-down arrow in the Tables cell and choose the name of the table or feature class for which you want to modify the extraction query.
  9. Repeat steps 7–8 for each table that has a query you want to modify.

    The default option for each record you add is OVERRIDE, so you do not have to change it.

    Example of tables for extraction
  10. Click the SQL Statement Browse button.
  11. Check the Edit query text check box.

    The query in the WHERE text box becomes editable.

  12. Paste or type the new query you want to use for the table or feature class.
  13. Click OK.

    The properties dialog box appears for the series, product, instance, or AOI.

  14. Repeat steps starting at 10 for each override you want to specify.
  15. Click OK to close the properties dialog box.