000059 : Output feature <value> cannot be dissolved into other inputs because of memory limitations.
Dissolve limits the creation of extremely large features based on the relation of feature size to available memory. Complex features—that is, features with a large number of vertices—are the frequent cause. In such cases, smaller, more manageable features will be created.
Simplify your inputs.
- Complex inputs can be generalized to remove the number of vertices Dissolve handles. Inputs can be generalized (to an intermediate dataset) using tools in the Generalization toolset.
- Close other unnecessary applications. Increasing virtual memory will improve Dissolve performance. Virtual memory is used when your system runs out of physical memory.
- If practical, consider using smaller subsets of your input. Tools such as Select Layer By Attribute or Select Layer By Location can be used to select specific features from a layer. Learn more about creating and using layer selections.