Understanding representation geometry logic

This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

Since geometric effects alter geometry and even, in some cases, geometry type, it is important to ensure that representation rules maintain geometric logic. Geometric effects operate sequentially. The output of one geometric effect becomes the input of the following one, so you can use a chain of geometric effects to achieve the appropriate geometry logic. Regardless of how the geometry is dynamically changed through the chain of geometric effects, the final output of the last effect must match the geometry type of the symbol layer. If a warning symbol Geometry logic warning icon appears on the heading of the symbol layer, there is a disconnect in the geometry logic. The symbol layer you just added doesn't have any geometry to symbolize.

Valid and invalid geometry to symbol layer combinations

Polygon geometry

Line geometry

Point geometry

Fill symbol layer

Symbolizes polygon interior

Produces geometry logic error Geometry logic warning icon because there is no polygon geometry to fill

Produces geometry logic error Geometry logic warning icon because there is no polygon geometry to fill

Line symbol layer

Symbolizes polygon outline

Symbolizes lines

Produces geometry logic error Geometry logic warning icon because there is no line geometry to draw

Marker symbol layer

Places markers in polygons with a marker placement style

Places markers on lines with a marker placement style

Places markers on points with a marker placement style

Geometry-symbol layer combinations

For example, adding a fill layer to a line representation rule would generate a warning because there is no polygon geometry to fill. To repair the logic, add a line-to-polygon geometric effect to either the fill layer or the global effects portion of the rule. However, the opposite scenario—adding a line symbol layer to a polygon representation rule—would not generate a warning, because the line symbol layer will symbolize the outlines of the polygon geometry.

View a full list of geometric effectsView a full list of marker placement styles
Changing geometry dynamically as you symbolize features with representations

To change input geometry

To output geometry





  • A point input marker placement style

  • On Point marker placement style
    On Point marker placement style



  • A point-to-line geometric effect
  • A point-to-polygon geometric effect

  • Radial from Line geometric effect
    Radial from line geometric effect
  • Buffer geometric effect
    Buffer geometric effect



  • A point-to-polygon geometric effect

  • Buffer geometric effect
    Buffer geometric effect



  • A line input marker placement style

  • Along Line marker placement style
    Along Line marker placement style



  • A line symbol layer alone
  • A line-to-line geometric effect
  • A line-to-polygon geometric effect

  • Line symbol layer alone
    Stroke symbol layer
  • Simplify geometric effect
    Simplify geometric effect
  • Enclosing Polygon (Convex Hull) geometric effect
    Enclosing polygon geometric effect



  • A line-to-polygon geometric effect

  • Enclosing Polygon (Rectangle Box) geometric effect
    Enclosing polygon (rectangle box) geometric effect



  • A polygon input marker placement style

  • Randomly Inside Polygon marker placement style
    Randomly Inside Polygon marker placement style



  • A line symbol layer alone
  • A line-to-line geometric effect
  • A line-to-polygon geometric effect

  • Line symbol layer alone
    Line symbol layer alone
  • Cut Curve geometric effect
    Cut Curve geometric effect
  • Donut geometric effect
    Donut geometric effect



  • A fill symbol layer alone
  • A polygon-to-polygon geometric effect

  • Fill symbol layer alone (Hatch style)
    Fill symbol layer (Hatch style)
  • Offset Curve geometric effect (with negative value)
    Offset Curve geometric effect

Changing geometry dynamically as you symbolize features with representations

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