An overview of the Conversion toolset

The Conversion toolset provides a wide range of tools for converting various data types, including 3D features, rasters, terrains, TINs, and LAS datasets. 3D models can be imported to a multipatch and used in three-dimensional rendering in ArcScene or ArcGlobe. TIN surfaces can be imported from LandXML files, 3D features can be exported to ASCII files, and lidar data can be imported to a multipoint dataset. Converting between raster and TIN formats allows you to employ the benefits of each while modeling the same surface. For example, use a TIN to model a surface if you have features, such as lines or polygons, that should enforce natural features, such as ridges or valleys. Convert the TIN to a raster using the natural neighbors interpolation option to preserve the linear features and use spatial operators.

Geoprocessing Tool


Layer 3D To Feature Class

Exports feature layers that have 3D properties defined to a multipatch feature class.

From Feature Class

Geoprocessing Tool


Layer 3D To Feature Class

Exports feature layers that have 3D properties defined to a multipatch feature class.

Feature Class Z To ASCII

Exports 3D features to ASCII text files storing GENERATE, XYZ, or profile data.

Multipatch Footprint

Creates polygon footprints representing the two-dimensional area occupied by a multipatch feature class.

From File

Geoprocessing Tool


ASCII 3D To Feature Class

Imports 3D features from one or more ASCII files stored in XYZ, XYZI, or GENERATE formats into a new feature class.

Import 3D Files

Imports one or more 3D models into a multipatch feature class.


This tool imports one or more triangulated irregular network (TIN) surfaces from a LandXML file to output Esri TINs.

LAS To Multipoint

Creates multipoint features using one or more lidar files.

Point File Information

Generates statistical information about one or more point files in a polygon or multipatch output.

From LAS Dataset

Geoprocessing Tool


LAS Dataset To TIN

Exports a triangulated irregular network (TIN) from a LAS dataset.

From Raster

Geoprocessing Tool


Raster Domain

Creates a polygon or polyline footprint of the data portions of a raster dataset.

Raster To Multipoint

Converts raster cell centers into multipoint features whose Z values reflect the raster cell value.

Raster To TIN

Converts a raster to a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

From Terrain

Geoprocessing Tool


Terrain To Points

Converts a terrain dataset into a new point or multipoint feature class.

Terrain To Raster

Converts a terrain dataset into a raster.

Terrain To TIN

Converts a terrain dataset to a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

From TIN

Geoprocessing Tool


TIN Domain

Creates a line or polygon feature class representing the interpolation zone of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

TIN Edge

Creates 3D line features using the triangle edges of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

TIN Line

Exports breaklines from a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset to a 3D line feature class.

TIN Node

Exports the nodes of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset to a point feature class.

TIN Polygon Tag

Creates polygon features using tag values in a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

TIN to Raster

Creates a raster by interpolating its cell values from the elevation of the input TIN at the specified sampling distance.

TIN Triangle

Exports triangle faces from a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset to a polygon feature class and provides slope, aspect, and optional attributes of hillshade and tag value for each triangle.


The following tools that were available in the 3D Analyst toolbox prior to version 10.0 have been moved to the Conversion toolbox > To KML toolset:

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