An overview of the Image Classification toolbar

The Image Classification toolbar provides a user-friendly environment for creating training samples and signature files for supervised classification. It also serves as a centralized location for performing both supervised classification and unsupervised classification. An ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension license is required to use the tools on this toolbar.

The image below shows the Image Classification toolbar:

The Image Classification toolbar

The Image Classification toolbar contains interactive tools for creating training samples and signature files. Some commonly used classification tools from the Multivariate toolset of the Spatial Analyst toolbox are also exposed through this toolbar.

Functions of the tools and buttons

The table below shows tools and buttons available on the Image Classification toolbar:

Button Name Function

Training sample manager

Training Sample Manager

Opens Training Sample Manager.

Clear training samples

Clear Training Samples

Removes all training samples and begins a new supervised classification session.

Draw training samples with polygon

Training Sample Drawing Tools

Draws new training samples in the display.

There are three ways to create training samples: as polygons, as rectangles, and as circles.

Select training sample

Select Training Sample

Selects training samples in the display.

Commands in the Classification drop-down list

The table below shows the classification commands that are accessible from the Classification drop-down list.

Command GP Tool Name Function
Interactive Supervised Classification


Automatically classifies the selected image layer using training samples from Training Sample Manager (without using a signature file) with a quick preview of the result.

There must be at least two training samples present for this option to be available.

Standard Tool Maximum Likelihood Classification

Maximum Likelihood Classification tool

Opens the geoprocessing tool that performs supervised classification on an input image using a signature file.

Standard Tool Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification

Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification tool

Opens the geoprocessing tool that performs unsupervised classification on an input image.

Standard Tool Class Probability

Class Probability tool

Opens the geoprocessing tool that performs class probability analysis on an input image using a signature file.

Standard Tool Principal Components

Principal Components tool

Opens the geoprocessing tool that performs principal component analysis on an input image.

Tools for creating training samples

In the training sample drawing tools, the drop-down list provides three ways to draw the samples, as polygons, rectangles, or circles.

Button Name Function

Draw training samples with polygon

Draw Polygon

Draws a training sample with a polygon shape.

Click on each vertex of the polygon, and double-click when done.

Draw training samples with rectangle

Draw Rectangle

Draws a training sample with a rectangle shape.

Click and hold the mouse button to drag out the rectangle shape for the training sample area. Release the mouse button when done.

Draw training samples with circle

Draw Circle

Draws a training sample with a circle shape.

Click and hold the mouse button to specify the center of the circle, and drag out the radius of the training sample area. Release the mouse button when done.

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