Extract Band function

The Extract Band function allows you to extract one or more bands from, or reorders the bands in, a multiband raster dataset.

The inputs for this function are the following:

The extract Method allows you to choose the type of keyword to use while extracting bands. The user can choose Band ID, Band Names, or Band Wavelengths.

The Band combination text box is used to specify the order of the bands to extract. The bands are entered as a space-delimited list. For example, to extract bands 3, 4, and 5 from a six-band image, enter 3 4 5. Alternatively, you can use the extract drop-down box to populate this list.

The Missing band action drop-down box will specify what action will occur when a band within the extract band list is not available. The two options are Best Match and Fail, where the default action is to use Best Match. The Best Match option will try to find the best available band to use in place of the missing one, so that the function will not fail. If the Fail option is specified, any mosaic dataset item that is missing a specified band will fail, since the extract band was invalid.

You can use the Extract Bands function before other functions, such as Arithmetic, to control which bands are used as input in the next function.

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