An overview of the Layers and Table Views toolset

This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

The Layers and Table Views toolset creates and manipulates parcel fabric layers, layer file, and table views.

Layers (and layer files) reference geographic data stored on disk. They can reference most data types, including parcel fabric datasets and the internal feature classes of parcel fabric datasets. Table views are the table equivalent of a layer. Table views are useful when working with the parcel fabric in ArcMap as they can be used to access invisible fabric tables such as the Plans table and Accuracies table.

In geoprocessing, the primary reason for making and using layers is to perform attribute and area selections. By making a layer first, you can perform selections on the layer without affecting the original data source. Layers, layer files, and table views can be used as input to many of the geoprocessing tools or illustrated in ArcMap.



Make Parcel Fabric Layer

Creates a parcel fabric layer from an input parcel fabric. The parcel fabric layer that is created by the tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends unless the document is saved. This tool is needed if you would like a parcel fabric sublayer to participate in a geoprocessing model.

Make Parcel Fabric Table View

Creates a table view from an input parcel fabric feature class or table. The table view that is created by the tool is temporary and will not persist after the session ends unless the document is saved. This tool is useful for accessing hidden, nonspatial parcel fabric tables, such as the Plans table or the Accuracies table.

Tools in the Layers and Table Views toolset

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