Data source icons in Schematic Dataset Editor

When editing a schematic dataset within Schematic Dataset Editor using the Project Tree view, the Data Sources main entry groups all the data sources for the schematic dataset. Each data source referenced under this main entry is displayed with a specific icon at its left that shows the status of the data source:

Data source icons meaning


After searching unused data sources, the following icons are displayed with a pink fill color for data sources that have been identified as unused: the Data Source Unused Data Source Unused icon, Data Source Unused Invalid Data Source Unused Invalid, Data Source Unused Unknown Data Source Unused Unknown, or Data Source Unused Open icon Data Source Unused Open.


Sometimes, all the SDE data sources referenced under the same server/instance/database display the Not Open icon Not Open icon. This happens when the related service is stopped or the server shut down. In that case, if a backup of your data is located on another server, you can easily change all the referenced data sources in a single operation by using the Edit connection properties menu.


The CURRENTDS data source always displays the Open Status icon Open Status icon.
