24064: The network dataset uses a custom evaluator
The network dataset includes a custom evaluator for calculating network attribute values.
- Prior to publishing the service, copy the custom evaluator's dynamic link library (DLL) to the ArcGIS for Server machine you are publishing to and register the DLL using the ESRIRegAsm utility. Note that this warning will continue to appear even if you have copied your DLL to ArcGIS for Server and registered it.
- Delete the network attribute that references the custom evaluator, but only if the service you are creating doesn't need the attribute.
- Configure standard evaluators for all the network attributes in the network dataset, but only if your requirements can be met using standard evaluators.
- Do nothing if you have already copied the DLL and registered it.
More Information
When you create a custom evaluator, you are creating a DLL that defines the characteristics and behavior of the evaluator. To use a custom evaluator with ArcGIS for Server, the DLL must be registered. You can register the DLL on ArcGIS for Server using the ESRIRegAsm utility, which is located by default in C:\Program Files\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin.