Migrating shapefile turn data to a geodatabase network dataset
You may already have shapefile data that you want to use in a geodatabase-based network dataset to take advantage of the advanced network modeling capabilities. This topic steps through the process of migrating existing edge and turn data from a shapefile workspace to a geodatabase. These steps can be executed in ArcMap or ArcCatalog.
On the menu bar, click Geoprocessing > Search For Tools.
The dockable Search window opens with the Tools category selected.
In the list of toolboxes in the Search window, click Conversion Tools.
The Search window displays a list of toolsets.
Click the To Geodatabase toolset link.
The list is updated.
Click Feature Class To Feature Class.
The Feature Class To Feature Class dialog box opens.
- For the Input Features property, choose or browse to your shapefile feature class.
- For the Output Location property, browse to the feature dataset where you will ultimately store your network dataset.
For the Output Feature Class property, type a name for your output feature class.
Depending on your data and purpose, you might need to change more tool properties.
- Run the Feature Class To Feature Class tool to convert your line shapefile to a geodatabase line feature class.
On the menu bar, click Geoprocessing > Search For Tools.
The Search window is refreshed to show the system toolboxes again.
Click Network Analyst Tools in the list of toolboxes in the Search window.
A list of toolsets and tools related to the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension appears.
- Click Turn Feature Class in the Search window.
Click Turn Table To Turn Feature Class.
The Turn Table To Turn Feature Class dialog box opens.
- Specify the parameters on the tool's dialog box.
Click OK.
The turn table is converted to a turn feature class in the geodatabase.
Navigate to the geodatabase feature dataset where you stored the above files.
- If you are in ArcMap, use the Catalog window to navigate to the files.
- If you are in ArcCatalog, use the Catalog Tree.
- Right-click the geodatabase feature dataset, and click New > Network Dataset.
- Use the New Network Dataset wizard to define and build the network.
The Feature Class To Feature Class tool imports your streets, or other line feature class, from a shapefile to a geodatabase.
Your line feature class is in a geodatabase now. Later, the feature class will serve as an edge source feature class in your network dataset. Now, however, it will function as input to the Turn Table To Turn Feature Class tool.
This dialog box requires that you specify the turn table (.dbf file), the imported line feature class, and a name for the output turn feature class. A turn feature class is output in the same geodatabase workspace as the imported line feature class.

You can combine the Feature Class To Feature Class tool and the Turn Table To Turn Feature Class tool into a single model that can import the line data and turn table together to the geodatabase.