Creating a one-way or two-way replica
Use the Create Replica wizard in ArcMap to create either a one-way or two-way replica. See Replication types for a description of these types of replicas.
You can also use the Create Replica geoprocessing tool to create a replica. See Create Replica for details.
- Start ArcMap by clicking Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > ArcMap 10.2.1.
- Open an existing ArcMap document or create a new one by adding data to ArcMap.
- If the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar is not already open, click Customize on the main menu, point to Toolbars, and click Distributed Geodatabase.
- Click the Create Replica button on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar to activate the Create Replica wizard.
When prompted, choose which ArcSDE geodatabase you want to work with if the current ArcMap document includes data from more than one ArcSDE geodatabase.
The Create Replica wizard supports both local and remote geodatabases. Remote geodatabases are accessed in ArcMap through map services that have the geodata access capability enabled.
- On the first panel of the wizard, choose to create either a two-way replica, a one-way parent-to-child replica, or a one-way child-to-parent replica.
On the next panel, choose to replicate data or register existing data only.
The option to register existing data only allows you to create a replica between two geodatabases containing the same data.
To learn more about creating replicas with the option to register existing data, see Replicas created with the option to register with existing data.
Choose to replicate to a Geodatabase or an XML workspace document.
If you choose the XML option, you can later import the workspace into another geodatabase using the workspace importer.
Replicating data in a disconnected environment is only possible if you replicate your data to an XML workspace document. To learn more, see Replicas in a disconnected environment.
Browse to or type the name of a personal or file geodatabase, XML document, or ArcSDE connection to which you want to replicate data.
Note:For two-way replicas, the geodatabase that you replicate the data to must be an ArcSDE geodatabase.
If you replicate to an XML document that does not already exist, one is created. If you replicate to a geodatabase, you can browse for either a local or remote geodatabase.
A default name for the new replica is provided, but you can type a different name.
Note:The name of each replica must be unique to the user creating the replica.
- If you want to override the replication defaults, check Show advanced options.
- Click Next to proceed. If you are not making any change to the default options, skip to step 20.
The first panel in the Advanced Create Replica Options offers the choice between a Full or Simple model.
The default is the full model, where complex data types are created on the child that is versioned and must remain versioned. If you choose the simple model, the data is created on the child as simple and is not versioned. See Feature information models for replicas for more information.
If you are creating a one-way replica, this panel also gives you the option to use archiving to track changes. When this option is checked, archiving will be used instead of versioning to determine the changes to send during synchronization. This option is recommended, as it will increase the performance of the synchronization process; however, it is only available if you are creating a replica from the DEFAULT version.The data must be enabled for archiving before creating the replica. If some of the data is enabled for archiving, and others are not, only those that are enabled for archiving will be included in the replica.
See Geodatabase archiving to learn more about archiving.
- Click Next.
- Click the appropriate extent option to modify the spatial extent of the replica.
- To exclude individual layers or tables from the replica, uncheck the check box associated with that layer or table.
- If you would like to change a dataset's name when it is replicated, you can do so under the Target Name column. If you are replicating data or schema only, you can either leave the existing name or type in a new name. If you have previously chosen the option to register existing data only, then each name in the Target Name column will offer a drop-down list of available datasets in the target geodatabase to choose from.
- Each entry in the Check Out column is a combo box of options. The options always include All Features and Schema Only. If a particular layer or table has a selection set or definition query defined, the options may also include Selected Features Only, All Features in Def. Query, and Selected Features in Def. Query. Select All Features and uncheck the Use Spatial Extent box if you do not want to apply any data filters.
- Uncheck the Extract related data check box if you do not want to replicate any related data.
- Click Next.
- If you chose to include related data and are replicating relationship classes, you can set how relationship classes are processed. This includes the direction of processing, which is forward by default, and the ability to turn off processing for individual relationship classes. Once you choose how the relationship classes are processed, click Next.
- For two-way replication, there is an additional panel in the Advanced Create Replica Options dialog box that lets you choose whether the parent or child will be the initial data sender. This option is only important in disconnected systems.
If you chose an ArcSDE geodatabase in step 10, specify keywords for the replica.
You have the option to choose the defaults or specify an appropriate configuration keyword for each object involved in the replica. For information on configuration keywords, see Configuration keywords for ArcSDE geodatabases.
On the Post Create Replica Options dialog box, choose what you want to do once the replication has been completed.
- Take no further action—This is the default option. If you choose this option, the replica will be created with the ArcMap document showing the original data.
- Change the layers and tables to point to the replicated data—The current ArcMap document will be modified to point to the data in the replica geodatabase, preserving all symbology.
- Save a copy of this map document with the layers and tables pointing at the replicated data—A new ArcMap document referencing the data in the replica geodatabase with symbology preserved will be created.
- Click Summary to review the parameters for the current replica.
Click Finish to start replicating the data.
The status of the replication operation will be monitored in a progress dialog box.