A quick tour of geodatabase upgrades
Upgrading a geodatabase allows you to use the functionality available in the latest release of the software.
You can use the Upgrade Geodatabase geoprocessing tool (which can be opened directly from the Data Management toolbox or opened from the Database Properties Upgrade Geodatabase button) or a Python script to upgrade a geodatabase. You would use a Python script if you do not have access to ArcGIS for Desktop. This would most likely only be the case if you are upgrading an enterprise geodatabase. In this case, you can run the Python script from a computer where ArcGIS Engine with the Geodatabase Update extension, ArcGIS for Server Standard Enterprise, or ArcGIS for Server Advanced Enterprise is installed.
The tool and script provide an option to run a check to be sure the geodatabase meets specific prerequisites for upgrade as well as an option to perform the geodatabase upgrade. Esri recommends that you do both the prerequisite check and the upgrade.

- Upgrades from beta versions of the software are not supported.
- Once a geodatabase has been upgraded, previous versions of ArcGIS may not be able to open it since some older versions of ArcGIS cannot read newer versions of the geodatabase.
- There is no formal mechanism to downgrade a geodatabase to a previous version. If after upgrading to a newer version you want to downgrade the geodatabase, you must restore the old database from backup or—for file and personal geodatabases—use the backup copy of the geodatabase you created before you upgraded.
Prerequisite checks
You should include the prerequisite check when you run the Upgrade Geodatabase tool or call it from a Python script.
Running the prerequisite check prior to upgrading allows you to detect whether there are actions you must take to place the geodatabase in a state that can be upgraded. The results of the prerequisite check appear in the geoprocessing window and are written to a log file, GDBUpgrade<n>.log, which is created in your system TEMP directory. The <n> in the log file name is a unique number identifying the specific prerequisite check or upgrade event.
When run on a file or personal geodatabase, the prerequisite check detects the following:
- The geodatabase is read-only.
- There are no other users connected to the geodatabase.
- The current connection is not editing data in the geodatabase.
- All the information within the current geodatabase system tables can be opened.
For enterprise, workgroup, or desktop geodatabases, the following prerequisites are evaluated:
- The connected user has the appropriate privileges to upgrade.
- The connected user is not editing data in the geodatabase.
- There are no other users connected to the geodatabase.
- The database is enabled to support XML data types.
- All the information within the current geodatabase system tables can be opened.
- For geodatabases in PostgreSQL and Oracle, it detects whether the ST_Geometry library in the database location is current.
- For geodatabases in a user's schema in Oracle, it detects whether the master geodatabase is upgraded.
Once the geodatabase meets these prerequisites, you have made a backup of the geodatabase, and (for enterprise geodatabases) you completed the steps in the preparation topic appropriate to your DBMS, you can upgrade the geodatabase.

The upgrade preparation topics for enterprise geodatabases are as follows:
What happens when you upgrade
When you upgrade a geodatabase, checks are made to see if the geodatabase can be upgraded, then the system tables and any associated functions, types, or stored procedures are updated.
Additionally, when you upgrade a 9.3.x geodatabase to ArcGIS 10 or later, the following processes happen:
- New geodatabase system tables are created.
- The contents of the old geodatabase system tables are copied to the new geodatabase system tables.
- The geodatabase release number is increased by the appropriate increment.
- The old geodatabase system tables are dropped.
The upgrade process is designed to be fault tolerant; if the upgrade fails at any point, you can rerun the upgrade on the partially upgraded geodatabase once the cause of the failure has been corrected. Any partially completed operations will have been rolled back or will be skipped when the upgrade is run again. You do not need to restore or reload the database from backup.
If you are unable to finish the Upgrade after an unexpected error or event—for example, you have run out of time and your users need to continue their work—Esri does not recommend using the partially upgraded geodatabase for production. Instead, you should restore from backup prior to allowing your users to connect to the production geodatabase.
As mentioned in the previous section, a log file for the upgrade, GDBUpgrade<n>.log, is created in your system TEMP directory. This file records the progress of the upgrade operation. If any errors are encountered during upgrade, they will be written to this file. If you encounter any unexpected errors during the upgrade process, read this file.
Accessing the Upgrade Geodatabase functionality
There are multiple ways to access the the Upgrade Geodatabase functionality: you can open the Upgrade Geodatabase tool from the Database Properties dialog box, by searching for the tool using the Search dialog box in ArcMap or ArcCatalog, or directly from the Data Managment toolbox. Alternatively, you can run a Python script to upgrade the geodatabase.
Perform these steps to open the Upgrade Geodatabase tool from the Database Properties dialog box:
- Start ArcMap and open the Catalog window, or start ArcCatalog.
- Right-click the geodatabase you want to upgrade.
- Click Properties.
- Click the General tab.
- Click Upgrade Geodatabase.
To open the tool directly, use the Search window.
- Start ArcMap and open the Catalog window, or start ArcCatalog.
- Click the Search window button
- Click Tools at the top of the search window to restrict your search to geoprocessing tools.
- Type upgrade geodatabase in the search text box and click the Search button.
- Click the link to open the Upgrade Geodatabase geoprocessing tool.
You can also open the tool directly from the Toolboxes node in the Catalog tree.
- Start ArcMap and open the Catalog window, or start ArcCatalog.
- Expand the Toolboxes node in the Catalog tree.
- Expand System Toolboxes.
- Expand the Data Management toolbox.
- Expand the Geodatabase Administration toolset.
- Double-click Upgrade Geodatabase.

You can also use the Upgrade Geodatabase tool as part of a model.
Another way to access the Upgrade Geodatabase functionality is to run a Python script for upgrade. To do so, open the script at a system command prompt, in the ArcPy window in ArcGIS for Desktop, or in PythonWin. See A quick tour of Python and Upgrade Geodatabase for more information.
Specific upgrade instructions
For instructions on upgrading a specific type of geodatabase, see whichever of the following topics applies: