Creating a table in a geodatabase
- Right-click the database in the Catalog tree in which you want to create a new table, point to New, then click Table.
- Type a name for the table. To create an alias for this table, type the alias.
Click Next.
If your geodatabase is not a file or ArcSDE geodatabase, skip to step 6.
If you want to create the table using a custom storage keyword, choose Use configuration keyword and specify the keyword you want to use.
When working with an ArcSDE geodatabase you need an ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced and ArcGIS for Desktop Standard license.
- Click Next.
- Click the next blank row in the Field Name column and type in a name to add a field to the table.
- Click the Data Type column next to the new field's name and click its data type.
- Click the field next to Alias and type the alias name to create an alias for this field.
- Click the field next to Allow NULL values and click No to prevent nulls from being stored in this field.
- Click the field next to Default Value and type the value to associate a default value with this field.
- Click the field next to Domain and click the domain to associate a domain with this field.
- Repeat steps 6 through 11 until all the table's fields have been defined.
- Click Finish.

The route identifier field can be any numeric or character data type. It is recommended to be the same field type as the route identifier field in your route feature class. You should consider creating an attribute index on the route identifier field since it will help improve dynamic segmentation performance. The measure field or fields must be a numeric data type.

The ObjectID field in a geodatabase table uniquely identifies each object stored in the table. It cannot be deleted.
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