Adding route events using the Display Route Events command
- In ArcMap, right-click your event table and click Display Route Events.
- Click the Route Reference drop-down arrow and click the route reference layer.
Alternatively, click the browse button
and navigate to the route reference feature class.
- If necessary, click the Route Identifier drop-down arrow and click the route identifier field.
- Click the Route Identifier drop-down arrow and click the route identifier for the event table.
- Click the type of events the route event table contains.
- For point events, click the Measure drop-down arrow and click the measure field.
- For line events, click the From-Measure drop-down arrow and click the from-measure field. Click the To-Measure drop-down arrow and click the to-measure field.
- Optionally, click the Offset drop-down arrow and click the offset field.
- Click Advanced Options.
- Click all the advanced dynamic segmentation types you want applied to the route event source.
- Click OK on the Advanced Route Events Options dialog box.
- Click OK.

Dynamic segmentation performance is improved with the use of an attribute index on the route identifier field in both the event table and the route reference.

Event layers are saved as layer files (.lyr). The next time you open this file in ArcMap, the dynamic segmentation process will automatically be performed for you.

It is possible to have the advanced dynamic segmentation options applied to subsequent ArcMap sessions. This can be done by checking the Apply these settings to all subsequent ArcMap sessions check box on the Advanced Route Events Options dialog box.
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