Essential graphing vocabulary

Below are some of the most common terms you will encounter when creating graphs in ArcMap, ArcGlobe, or ArcScene.




A graphic representation of tabular data; a diagram showing the relationship between two or more variable quantities, usually measured along two perpendicular axes. A graph may also be referred to as a chart.

Data range

When you create a graph, the range represents the data that is being graphed. The range may consist of all data in the source or a selection of data from the source.

X- and Y-axes

The x-axis is the data represented along the horizontal border of the chart. The y-axis is the data represented along the vertical border of the chart.

Upper and lower bounds

The upper and lower limits of the axes on the graph.

Graph template

Graph templates contain all the basic structure and necessary information such as graph type and properties for creating graphs. Graph templates can be saved and reused for creating nice-looking graphs to visualize your data.

Graph function

A graph function applies a particular mathematical or statistical operation to the values in the data series and displays the result as a line on the graph.

Graphing terms in ArcGIS
