Editing service files on Windows
If you installed the application service feature, you must add a name and port number entry to the ArcSDE services.sde file and the Windows operating system services file for your ArcSDE service.
Open the services.sde file in a text editor.
This file is in the ArcSDE\sdehome\etc folder.
- Define the service name and TCP/IP port number on which the ArcSDE
service will accept connection
requests by doing one of the following:
- Remove the comment mark (#) from the default entry esri_sde 5151/tcp.
- Add a unique service name and TCP/IP port number, for example, arcsde 4000/tcp.
- Open the Windows services file.
- Copy the service entry you defined in the services.sde file and paste it into the Windows service file.
- Save and close both services files.
Once the service information is defined, you can create the service.
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