Export Mosaic Dataset Geometry (Data Management)
Exports feature classes for the footprint, boundary, seamline, or resolution levels of a mosaic dataset.
When you set Geometry Type to LEVEL, you are exporting the union of items that have the same resolution level. This is useful to quickly see the coverage of your imagery for each resolution.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_mosaic_dataset |
The input mosaic dataset. | Mosaic Dataset; Mosaic Layer |
out_feature_class |
The output feature class. | Feature Class |
where_clause (Optional) | Define an SQL query if you want to export a subset. For more information on SQL syntax see the help topic SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS. If no query is specified, all mosaic dataset item geometry will be exported. | SQL Expression |
geometry_type (Optional) |
Choose which type of geometry to export. The default is FOOTPRINT.
| String |
Code Sample
This is a Python sample for ExportMosaicDatasetGeometry.
import arcpy
This is a Python script sample for ExportMosaicDatasetGeometry.
#Export Mosaic Dataset Geometry
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/workspace"
#Export footprint from a single record in a mosaic dataset
mdname = "exportmd_footprints.gdb/md"
out_FC = "C:/workspace/LANDSAT_footprints"
where_clause = "OBJECTID = 1"
geometry_type = "FOOTPRINT"
mdname, out_FC, where_clause, geometry_type)