Import From S57 (Coverage)
Converts data from S-57 format to one or more coverages.
S-57 is a data standard developed by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) to be used for the exchange of digital hydrographic data.
Each S-57 exchange dataset contains one catalog file and one or more base cells. Import From S57 reads the catalog file, converts it to an INFO file, then converts each base cell file to one or two coverages. One of these coverages will contain all the isolated nodes (for instance, spatial point objects); the other coverage will contain all the spatial and feature objects plus the data descriptive information.
The Import From S57 importer creates either one or two coverages per base cell file, depending on the types of objects contained within the file.
Import From S57 creates an INFO file to capture all the objects being converted for each base cell file. The resulting file is called coverage.object and has the following items: NAME has a content of Record Identifier, LNAM has a content of Feature object long name, CLASS contains feature class, and PRIM contains the Object's spatial primitive (VI, VC, VE, VF, FP, FN, FL, FA, and CF). This INFO file will have a record for each spatial and feature object being converted. The NAME and PRIM columns apply to both spatial and feature objects;however, the LNAM and CLASS columns only apply to feature objects. You can use this table to quickly identify what sort of objects exist in the base cell file.
This INFO file is an enhancement to the importer and is not required by the exporter (Export To S57).
Learn about Clean and how it can affect your output coverage
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_s57_file |
The data catalog filename or base cell filename in the S-57 exchange set. If a catalog filename is specified, all base cell files listed in the catalog file will be converted. If a base cell filename is specified, only that base cell file will be converted. | File |
out_workspace |
The workspace where all output coverages will be written. | Folder |
clean (Optional) |
Specifies whether to run the Clean command.
| Boolean |
Code Sample
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to import a coverage from S-57 format.
# Name:
# Description: Imports from S-57 format to coverage
# Requirements: ArcInfo Workstation
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"
# Set local variables
inS57File = "US5MI82M.000"
outWorkspace = "C:/output/holland_harb"
clean = "NO_CLEAN"
# Execute S57Arc
arcpy.S57Arc_arc(inS57File, outWorkspace, clean)