Using Query Builder with CAD layers

The following steps describe how to use Query Builder to display CAD data on a drawing layer named V-PROP-LINE.

  1. Double-click the CAD layer in the table of contents to open the Layer Properties dialog box, or right-click the CAD feature layer and click Properties.
  2. Click the Definition Query tab.
  3. Click the Query Builder button.
  4. Double-click the reserved CAD field Layer to enter the field name into the SQL text box.
  5. Click the EQUAL SIGN button Equal.
  6. Click the Get Unique Values button to display a list of layer names contained in the CAD file.
  7. Double-click a layer name from the list of unique values to complete the SQL statement.

    For example, the expression "Layer" = 'V-PROP-LINE' displays only the CAD elements residing on the drawing layer named V-PROP-LINE.

  8. Click the Apply button to verify the results.
  9. Click OK to close the dialog box.

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