Mapping attributes from a standard message
Mapping information in standard messages to feature attributes
When messages are transmitted, they contain information about creating a military feature that can be placed on a map. Messages also contain information that ArcGIS adds to a symbol to convey additional information about the feature beyond the information provided by the Symbol ID code. This additional modifier information (text modifiers and graphic modifiers) is stored in ArcGIS and is displayed by ArcGIS in a way that adheres to military specifications. Text modifiers are stored in ArcGIS as attributes (fields) in a layer. The attributes that are text modifiers use different forms of shorthand notation that map to meaningful field names in the layers. For example, MIL-STD-2525C specifies that one of the modifier fields for units, equipment, and installations, or tactical symbols, is field ID G or staff comments. If a message is recieved by a user that contains information in field ID G, the information stored in that message field would be the same information a user would enter into the StaffComment field in ArcGIS. Layer packages downloaded from ArcGIS for Defense and Intelligence contain database schemas that provide a logical mapping for information to the message to information stored in ArcGIS. The following graphic shows the fields availabe for units, equipment, and installations layers.
After a message is received, attributes about the feature can be entered by the user and stored in the database. Once the attributes have been moved to the database, ArcGIS can take advantage of the information stored in attribute tables to create meaningful labels, or text modifiers around a symbol as necessary. When using layer packages from the ArcGIS for Defense and Intelligence group on, there are labeling properties set to help place these attributes properly around the symbol. For more on labeling military features, see Labeling military features. Specifics on labeling unit, equipment, and installation features can be found at Labeling UEI features. Information on labeling military operations features can be found at Labeling military operations features.