The Animation toolbar

The Animation toolbar has all the tools you'll need to work with animations in ArcMap, ArcScene, and ArcGlobe. Using the tools on the Animation toolbar, you can create keyframes for animation tracks, save and export animation tracks to video files, and manage and preview your animations.

The following table describes all the options available on the Animation toolbar:

Animation toolbar options


Animation drop-down menu

Displays a menu of all other animation tools.

Capture View Capture View

Creates an animation by capturing views.

Open Animation Controls Open Animation Controls

Opens the Animation Controls toolbar.

Clear Animation Clear Animation

Removes all animation tracks from the document.

Create Keyframe Create Keyframe

Creates a keyframe for a new or existing track.

Create Group Animation Create Group Animation

Creates a track that animates the properties of grouped layers (visibility/transparency).

Create Time Layer Animation Create Time Animation

Creates a track that animates temporal maps.

Create Flyby From Path Create Flyby From Path

Creates a track by defining a path along which the camera or the view will travel.

Load Animation File Load Animation File

Loads an existing animation file into your document.

Save Animation File Save Animation File

Saves an animation file so it can be loaded at a later date.

Export Animation Export Animation

Exports animation files as videos or sequential images.

Animation Manager Animation Manager

Edits and fine-tunes animations, modifies properties of keyframes and tracks, and edits the timing of keyframes and tracks while previewing the changes.

Options available on the Animation toolbar

Before animating data, you must add the Animation toolbar. The toolbar can be added to ArcMap, ArcScene, and ArcGlobe.

  1. In ArcMap, ArcScene, or ArcGlobe, click Customize on the Main menu, point to Toolbars, and click Animation.
  2. The Animation toolbar appears as an undocked toolbar.

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