Creating applications with groups

A gallery application is a web application that displays the web maps and web apps shared to a group and related details about the group and such as the name and description. Anybody with an ArcGIS Online account can create and share a gallery app that is hosted by by Esri .
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To create a gallery app, open a group you own, belong to, or found, then choose one of the templates available from the group Share window. Use the preview option to see how the group items look in the templates, noting that the templates offer different layouts and color schemes. Some of the templates let you configure the gallery to create a customized look and feel. Once you have found a template you like, publish it to the Esri cloud. You can also download a template if you want to configure the gallery and deploy it to your organization's web server.

A gallery application displays web maps and web applications in a group. Any changes owners make to their items are reflected in the gallery. If a web map or web application that was public or shared with the group is made private (or deleted), the item no longer appears in the gallery.
To create an application with group items, follow the steps below.
- Open the group you want to use to create a gallery application. If the group is private, only group members who sign into the website will be able to see items in the gallery. If you are the group owner and want to share the gallery with the widest audience, consider making the group and its items available to everybody (public).
- Click the Share button to open the Share window.
- Click the Make a Gallery application button. The Make a Gallery Application window opens with a set of templates you can use to create your application. The configurable templates have a Configurable icon
on the template thumbnail.
- Click a template thumbnail to see how your map will look in the template.
- Click the Download link underneath the template thumbnail you want to use if you want to download the template files (as a ZIP file) and deploy the application on your machine. Unzip the downloaded file and follow the instructions in the readme.html file.
- Click the Publish link underneath the template thumbnail you want to use if you want to publish the application to the Esri cloud.
- Type a title for your application.
- Type tags. Alternatively, you can click the Choose from your tags link to open the list of tags you've used previously, and
choose the tags you want to use for this item.
Tags are words or short phrases that describe your item. Separate terms with commas. Federal land is considered one tag, while Federal, land is considered two tags.
- Type a summary.
- Select a folder from your My Contents page where you want to save the item details.
- Click the Save & Publish button. The Share window displays text that you have successfully published your gallery application. Your application is added to ArcGIS Online as a web mapping application and an item is added to My Content. By default, the application is unshared which means only you can see it. To make it accessible to others, you need to share it with your organization, groups you belong to, or everybody (if your organization allows sharing outside the organization). For more information about sharing your application, see Sharing items.
- If you selected a configurable template, click the go to the item now link on the Share window. This opens the item details for the application.
- Click the Configure App button. The template opens where you can change components of the gallery application, such as the layout, title, options for the web maps and applications, and various other miscellaneous items. Click Save when you are done configuring the application.

Your organization may restrict members from sharing items outside the organization. If this is the case, users and publishers won't see options to share content or groups with everybody (public). Administrators, however, can choose to share any item in the organization publicly.