Building a cache for a hosted tiled map service

Publishing hosted services requires an account that is part of an ArcGIS Online organization. See Getting started for more information.
When you publish a hosted tiled map service, you choose whether to build the cache automatically when publishing or build the cache manually after publishing.
If you chose to build the cache automatically when publishing, your tiles are created for you by ArcGIS Online. You don't have to take any further action other than optionally monitoring the cache progress.
If you chose to build the cache manually after publishing, you can launch the cache jobs from the My Content page of the website. Display the item details page for your service and click the Manage Tiles link. This displays a dialog box allowing you to create tiles and view the status of each scale level.

You can also see options to modify the visible scale range if you click Edit from the item details page.
Alternatively, you can launch the tile creation from ArcMap, which gives you more control over the geographic area cached. The following steps explain how to build the cache from ArcMap:
Start ArcMap.
Optionally, open the map document from which you originally published the service. Opening the map document is necessary only if you want to interactively define an area of interest for tile creation.
- Sign in to ArcGIS Online.
- Click File > Sign In.
- Type your name and password and click Sign In.
- Open the Catalog window and expand My Hosted Services.
- Right-click your service and click Manage Cache > Manage Tiles.
The Manage Map Server Cache Tiles tool dialog box appears. This tool creates map tiles for services.
- Set the tool parameters as desired.
Note the Area Of Interest parameter, which allows you to interactively digitize a polygon to define where tiles are created.
If you need help understanding any of the other tool parameters, click Show Help in the tool dialog box.
Every subscription to ArcGIS Online has a specific limit to how much data can be stored on the server. This limit includes space used by tiles. To learn about using this space wisely, see Best practices for hosted tiled map services.
- Click OK to begin creating tiles.
To view a scale-by-scale progress report of cache tile creation, right-click your tiled map service in the Catalog tree and click View Cache Status. See Viewing cache completion status to learn more.
The tiles are created and stored on the ArcGIS Online servers.
If you ever want to delete tiles, you can run this same tool with the Update Mode parameter set to Delete Tiles.