Setting options for editing server layers locally

This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

Options for making the local copy are available on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar by clicking the Distributed Geodatabase menu and clicking Options. The options on the Local Editing tab can be set before creating the local copy. When editing feature services, these options only apply to ArcGIS Server feature services.

When making a local copy, the options include the following:

Every map document has a default geodatabase. The local copy process only uses the default geodatabase when it is an ArcSDE geodatabase; if another type of geodatabase is the default, ArcMap always creates a new file geodatabase for the local copy. When you set an ArcSDE geodatabase as the map's default geodatabase but do not specify one in the local copy options, the map's default ArcSDE geodatabase is used. However, if you specify an ArcSDE geodatabase in the local copy options, it is used instead of the map's default ArcSDE geodatabase.

Internally, geodatabase replication is used to implement the commands. If the source is a map service with an associated geodata service, you can also use the commands on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar to perform the same operations. It is recommended that the toolbar be used in cases where you need to support more complex use cases since it has many more options. The commands described in these steps provide fewer options but have a simpler experience.

  1. Click the Distributed Geodatabase menu on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar.
  2. Click Options.
  3. On the Local Editing tab, specify the options for the local copy.
    • To store data in an ArcSDE geodatabase, check that option and browse to the ArcSDE geodatabase.
    • Check whether to include related data, such as data related to the source layers through a geometric network, topology, or relationship class.
    • Check to show a dialog box when you make a local copy so you can set the advanced options.
  4. Click OK.

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