An overview of the extensions of ArcGIS

ArcGIS has a suite of extensions that provide extended capabilities to the core product. The categories of extensions include analysis, data integration and editing, publishing, and cartography. Also available are extensions that are solutions for specific markets.



Extended capabilitiess


ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension

Three-dimensional visualization and analysis; includes ArcGlobe and ArcScene applications. Also includes terrain data management and geoprocessing tools.

ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension extends ArcGIS to be a fully functioning 3D GIS system. It allows you to view, manage, analyze, and share your 3D GIS data.

  • View huge volumes of 3D GIS data in a global view using ArcGlobe, or view site-level data in a local coordinate system using ArcScene.
  • Manage 3D GIS data by editing features directly inside ArcGlobe or ArcScene, and add 3D components to 2D data through geoprocessing tools.
  • Analyze GIS data in three dimensions using geoprocessing tools, and use interactive tools in a 3D view.
  • Share 3D views of GIS data by publishing Globe Services and share 3D analytic tools through geoprocessing services.

ArcGIS Data Reviewer

Analyze and validate data with a variety of checks that allow you to check for both spatial and attribution conditions. Additionally, you can also sample data, validate metadata values against a schema, and check valency on network features. The results of the analysis or validation are stored in a table, where you can update the correction or verification status.

ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst

Advanced statistical tools for surface generation and analyzing and mapping continuous datasets. Exploratory spatial data analysis tools provide insights about your data distribution, global and local outliers, global trends, level of spatial autocorrelation, and variation among multiple datasets.

ArcGIS Network Analyst extension

Perform advanced routing and network analysis supporting

  • Drive-time analysis
  • Point-to-point routing
  • Fleet routing
  • Route directions
  • Service area definition
  • Shortest path analysis
  • Optimum route analysis
  • Closest facility analysis
  • Origin-destination analysis
  • Location-allocation analysis
  • Gravity or Huff models

ArcGIS Schematics

Generate, visualize, and manipulate diagrams from network data coming from a geodatabase or any data that has explicit attributes showing connectivity. You can do the following:

  • Use a number of schematic representations: geographic, geoschematic, and schematic.
  • Generate schematics from complex networks.
  • Check network connectivity.
  • Perform quality control of network data.
  • Visualize both logical and physical connectivity.
  • Monitor network status.
  • Evaluate network forecast and planning (modeling, simulation, comparative analysis).
  • Visualize nonspatial, connected data.
  • Model social networks.
  • Generate flowcharts.

ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension

A broad range of powerful raster modeling and analysis features allow you to create, query, map, and analyze cell-based raster data. ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension also allows integrated raster-vector analysis and adds more than 170 tools to the ArcGIS geoprocessing framework.

ArcGIS Tracking Analyst

Designed for mapping objects that move or change status through time, Tracking Analyst gives you the power to do the following:

  • Bring geographic data containing dates and times (temporal data) to life by adding it to a map as a tracking layer.
  • Track objects in real time. Tracking Analyst supports network connections to Global Positioning System (GPS) units and other tracking and monitoring devices so you can map your data in real time.
  • Symbolize temporal data using time windows and other specialized options for viewing data that changes through time.
  • Play back temporal data using Tracking Analyst Playback Manager. Data can be played back at different speeds in forward and reverse.
  • Analyze patterns in temporal data by creating data clocks.
  • Create and apply actions on temporal data.
  • Create animations of your data using the Tracking Analyst Animation tool.
  • View tracking data in 3D using ArcGlobe.

Data integration and editing

ArcGIS Data Interoperability

Directly read and employ more than 100 common GIS vector data formats, including many of the evolving GML specifications. In addition, GIS data can be delivered in a variety of formats. For example, data sources, such as advanced computer-aided design (CAD) datasets with extended entity attributes, MapInfo datasets, Intergraph GeoMedia datasets, and various GML files, can be accessed, displayed, and used directly in ArcGIS. Deliver GIS data to others in a variety of vector data formats (more than 70 supported formats).

At the 10 release, the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension is a separate setup available on the ArcGIS for Desktop media.

ArcScan for ArcGIS

Perform raster-to-vector conversion tasks on scanned documents, including raster editing, raster snapping, manual raster tracing, and batch vectorization.

Data publishing

ArcGIS Publisher

Publish data, maps, and globes authored using ArcGIS for Desktop. With ArcMap and ArcGlobe, you can author interactive maps and globes, publish them with ArcGIS Publisher, and share them via ArcReader.


ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry

Manage post-processed bathymetric data and metadata. You can leverage the central geodatabase, referred to as the Bathymetric Information System (BIS), to interact with and manage large volumes of raster data and selected soundings on an ArcGIS for Desktop platform. The extension provides a simple interface for:

  • Referencing externally stored raster data from a mosaic dataset
  • Managing survey, dataset, and any custom metadata
  • Extracting points from the BIS geodatabase that are linked to their original datasets
  • Filtering and visualizing raster data within ArcMap
  • Generating custom surfaces from rasters

ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting (formerly Esri Nautical Solution)

Manage hydrographic information and products to generate electronic, hard-copy, and raster navigational products that are compliant with standards. The following can be produced using the Nautical Solution:

  • Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)
  • Additional Military Layers (AML)
  • Marine Information Overlays (MIO)
  • Inland Electronic Navigational Charts (IENC)
  • Digital Nautical Charts (DNC)
  • Paper charts and river books

ArcGIS for Aviation

Efficiently manage aeronautical information, products, and integrated workflows to generate navigational products compliant with aviation standards.

  • Geoprocessing tools that allow you to create obstruction identification surfaces based on FAA FAR 77, ICAO Annex 14, and ICAO Annex 15 standards.
  • Generate specialized surround elements for aeronautical charts.
  • Create aeronautical features with the Feature Builder and other tools.

Esri Defense Mapping

Produce data and maps that comply with several standards using specialized editing and extraction tools. Data specifications that are supported include the following:

  • Image City Map (ICM)
  • Geobase
  • GeoFidelis
  • Geonames
  • Multinational Geospatial Co-Production Program (MGCP)
  • Stereo Airfield Collection (SAC)
  • Topographic Data Store (TDS)
  • Theatre Geospatial Database
  • Vector Map Levels 0-2

Esri Production Mapping

Facilitate large-scale data production with tools that support data creation, maintenance, validation, and cartographic production.

  • Transfer data between data models and formats using a cross-reference database.
  • Capture data using standard and composite templates.
  • Manage business rules and large-scale cartographic production in the product library.
  • Validate and analyze data using spatial and geodatabase checks.

More information about ArcGIS extensions is available on the Esri website.
