What's new in the Defense Mapping toolbox

The Defense Mapping toolbox at version 10.1 includes a new tool and upgrades to existing tools.

Toolset changes

New tools




Features_toolsetEGB Hydro Centerline

Converts hydrographic polygon features into individual polyline centerlines. This tool is used by the Esri Defense Mapping solution to create polyline hydrographic features at scales where a polygon feature is inappropriate or not useful. It produces an approximate centerline from input polygons. This centerline serves as a polyline representation of the original polygon feature.

Improved tools



Create_JOG_Elevation_Tints_Bands from Features

The following parameter names have been added:

  • AOI_Field—A field that contains a unique identifier for each area of interest.
  • AOI_Buffer—A buffer to apply to input area of interest features. This may improve the accuracy of the banding calculation that is used to generate the elevation tint polygons.

Create_TLM_Elevation_Guide_Bands from Features

The following parameter names have been added:

  • AOI_Field—A field that contains a unique identifier for each area of interest.
  • AOI_Buffer—A buffer to apply to input area of interest features. This may improve the accuracy of the banding calculation that is used to generate the elevation tint polygons.

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