What's new in the Analysis toolbox

A number of changes were made to the Analysis toolbox at 10.1, including two new tools in the Statistics toolset; improvement to the Buffer tool to allow the creation of geodesic buffers for points, lines, and polygons; general improvement in large overlay performance; and better support for data stored in ArcSDE geodatabases.

Toolset changes

No new toolsets were added.

New tools




Statistics toolsetPolygon Neighbors

Creates a table with statistics based on polygon contiguity (overlaps, coincident edges, or nodes).

Tabulate Intersection

Computes the intersection between two feature classes and cross-tabulates the area, length, or count of the intersecting features.

Improved tools




Geodesic buffers can now be generated for all feature types (points, lines, and polygons).

Spatial Join

A number of new match options have been added for determining the spatial relationship between two feature classes, including INTERSECT_3D, WITHIN_A_DISTANCE, WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_3D, COMPLETELY_CONTAINS, and CONTAINS_CLEMENTINI.

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