Adding or removing data from LAS datasets

LAS files and surface constraints can be added or removed from an existing LAS dataset. Adding or removing data provides the ability to update LAS dataset surface data, which is important to make accurate, current surface information available for conducting analysis.

LAS dataset surface updates can come in different forms:

There are two methods for adding or removing LAS files or surface constraints from a LAS dataset: use either geoprocessing tools or the LAS Dataset Properties dialog box in ArcCatalog or the Catalog window.

The LAS Dataset Properties approach is recommended when interactively defining or editing a LAS dataset, while the primary use for geoprocessing tools is for automation in scripts and models.

Using geoprocessing tools

The following geoprocessing tools are available to add or remove LAS files or surface constraints. These tools can be found in the Data Management toolbox under the LAS Dataset toolset.

The primary use for these geoprocessing tools is for automation in scripts and models.

Geoprocessing tools


Add Files To LAS Dataset

Adds lidar LAS files and/or surface constraint features to an existing LAS dataset

Remove Files From LAS Dataset

Removes reference of one or more lidar LAS files and/or surface constraints from a LAS dataset

LAS Dataset Properties dialog box

The ArcCatalog or Catalog window LAS Dataset Properties dialog box provides the ability to interactively add or remove LAS files or surface constraints. Click either the LAS Files or Surface Constraints tab on the LAS Dataset Properties dialog box to add or remove data.

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