Benefits of using LAS datasets

The LAS dataset provides immediate access to lidar data without the need for data conversion or importing. LAS point attributes can be used to filter out content and symbolize the points in 2D and 3D. Also, as lidar data often comes as a group of files, the LAS dataset provides the ability to define logical sets of LAS files for working in localized projects.

The LAS dataset is similar to a terrain dataset with on-the-fly surface views, but it can also be used for point viewing and does not require preprocessing. You are not required to do any processing to quickly understand the lidar data that you are working with. You are able to work directly on the LAS files, as a collection or as individual files. The LAS dataset supports breaklines or other surface constraints to be added to the surface model. It is displayed as either a surface or a point cloud, which allows you to quickly assess and understand the lidar data.

You are able to expose any data blunders or issues quickly due to the fast display and statistical analysis. The analysis can be conducted on each and every LAS file or on the entire LAS dataset. If there are errors in the classification, you are able to modify the classification of the LAS files using LAS Dataset 2D Profile View.

The LAS dataset is scalable, allowing you to work with large point clouds quickly and efficiently. The LAS dataset representation updates itself automatically as you pan and zoom around the display. The LAS dataset is a great complement to workflows for terrain datasets and mosaic datasets, as you can get a quick look at lidar files before subsequently importing, analyzing, or sharing the lidar data.

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