Welcome to the ArcGIS 10.1 for Server (Linux) Help
What is ArcGIS for Server?
Components of ArcGIS for Server
What's included with ArcGIS for Server
ArcGIS Server editions
What's new in ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 for Server
What's new in ArcGIS 10.1 for Server
What to expect when migrating to ArcGIS 10.1 for Server
Migration to ArcGIS 10.1 for Server
Migration checklist
Compatibility of ArcGIS 10.1 for Server with previous versions
Tutorial: Publishing a map service
Sharing your map in a web application
Tutorial: Publishing a KML service
Tutorial: Publishing a WMS service
Tutorial: Publishing a WFS service
Tutorial: Publishing a WFS-T service
Tutorial: Publishing a WPS service
Tutorial: Creating a cached map service
Tutorial: Creating a cached image service
Tutorial: Publishing a network analysis service
Tutorial: Publishing additional services for printing
Tutorial: Performing web editing using data from an enterprise geodatabase
Tutorial: Performing web editing using replicated data from an enterprise geodatabase
Approaches for publishing services with ArcGIS
About publishing services
How to publish a service
Importing the properties of an existing service
Analyzing your GIS resource
About service definition files
Creating a service definition in ArcGIS for Desktop
Publishing a service definition to the server in Manager
Publishing a service definition to the server in ArcGIS for Desktop
Making your data accessible to ArcGIS Server
Determining how the server will access service data
About registering your data with the server
Registering your data with ArcGIS Server using Manager
Registering your data with ArcGIS Server using ArcGIS for Desktop
Configuring a connection to a database in ArcGIS Server
Registering a DB2 database with the server
Registering an Informix database with the server
Registering a Netezza database with the server
Registering an Oracle database with the server
Registering a PostgreSQL database with the server
Copying data to the server automatically when publishing
Reviewing service workspaces
About editing services
Editing service properties in Manager
Editing service properties in ArcGIS for Desktop
Overwriting a service in ArcGIS for Desktop
Viewing a service
Adding a service as an item in ArcGIS Online
Starting, stopping, and restarting services
Deleting a service
Tuning and configuring services
About draft services
Opening a draft service in ArcGIS for Desktop
About GIS server folders
Adding a GIS server folder in Manager
Adding a GIS server folder in ArcGIS for Desktop
What types of services can you publish?
What is a feature service?
Authoring feature services
Publishing feature services
Using feature services in a client application
Editing features with z-values in feature services
Feature service permissions and editor tracking
Editor permissions for feature services
Editor tracking for feature services
Ownership-based access control for feature services
Geocode services
What is a geodata service?
Publishing a geodata service
Publishing a geodata service with a map service
Geodata service capabilities and allowed operations
Suggestions for configuring geodata services
Geodata service usage
About the geometry service
Starting the geometry service in Manager
Starting the geometry service in ArcGIS for Desktop
What is a geoprocessing service?
A quick tour of authoring and sharing geoprocessing services
Essential vocabulary for geoprocessing services
Authoring geoprocessing tasks with ModelBuilder
Authoring geoprocessing tasks with Python scripts
Coordinate system considerations for geoprocessing services
Defining output symbology for geoprocessing tasks
Documenting geoprocessing services and tasks
Performance tips for geoprocessing services
Zip (compress) Python script
Unzip Python script
A quick tour of publishing a geoprocessing service
Adding a task to a geoprocessing service
Previewing a geoprocessing task
Analyzing a geoprocessing service
Publishing a geoprocessing service
Overview of geoprocessing service settings
Geoprocessing service settings: General
Geoprocessing service settings: Capabilities
Geoprocessing service settings: Parameters
Geoprocessing service settings: Pooling and Processes
Geoprocessing service settings: Item Description
Geoprocessing service settings: Sharing
Geoprocessing service settings: Advanced properties
Overview of geoprocessing task settings
Feature and table schemas for task parameters
Input modes and parameter data types
Geoprocessing task settings: Features
Geoprocessing task settings: Tables
Geoprocessing task settings: Rasters
Geoprocessing task settings: Files
Geoprocessing task settings: Scalars
Geoprocessing task settings: Constants
Geoprocessing task settings: Outputs
00067: Script tool <value> source contains broken toolbox path: <value>
00068: Result <value> contains broken project data source: <value>
00069: Invalid tool
00070: Summary is missing
00071: Tags are missing
00072: Script tool <value> has syntax error: <value>
00073: Script tool has a broken datasource
00074: Script tool <value> source not supported: <value>
00080: Tool <value> is missing item description summary
00081: Python toolbox <value> contains imports <value>
00082: Output parameter <value> in task <value> requires a result map service
00089: Tool <value> is not licensed for use in an ArcGIS Runtime package
00092: The <value> parameter is missing a description
00104: The <value> parameter is missing a syntax dialog explanation in the item description
00106: Tool <value> is missing item description summary
00132: <value> is unsupported within a registered folder for task <value>
00143: Tool <value> cannot use VB expressions for services
00144: ArcGIS Server does not have the product or extension license <value> needed for tool <value>
00148: Project data source: <value> in task <value> is unsupported
00150: Tool <value> requires an enterprise geodatabase
00151 - Tool <value> is unsupported on server
00152: Tool <value> cannot be published because it contains list variables
00153: Cannot use result map service because output parameter <value> in task <value> is written to in-memory
00178: Data: <value>; used by <value> cannot be copied to the server
24010 : Tool <value> is based upon a DLL and may not be available in other installations
24032: Data source used by tool <value> is not registered with the server and will be copied to the server: <value>
24045: <value> tool requires the <value> ArcGIS Runtime extension license
24046: Tool <value> cannot use VB expressions for services
24051: Tool <value> requires an enterprise geodatabase
24056: <value> tool requires ArcGIS Runtime <value> with geoprocessing deployment
A quick tour of using a service in ArcGIS for Desktop
Tutorial: Using geoprocessing tasks in Desktop
Using a geoprocessing service in Python scripts
Using geoprocessing services in ArcGIS Explorer for Windows Desktop
Using geoprocessing services from arcgis.com
Large dataset upload and download considerations
An overview of geoprocessing REST Services
Introduction to geoprocessing tasks (REST)
Task parameter properties (REST)
Task operation: execute (REST)
Task operation: submitJob (REST)
About result map services in REST applications
Troubleshooting geoprocessing REST services
Using geoprocessing tasks in web applications
Using result map service in web applications
Troubleshooting geoprocessing tasks in web applications
A quick tour of the geoprocessing service examples
Geoprocessing service example: Stream network
Geoprocessing service example: Watershed
Geoprocessing service example: Selecting data
Geoprocessing service example: Clip And Ship
Geoprocessing service example: Geometric Network Trace
Geoprocessing service example: list, create, and delete geodatabase versions
Tutorial: Publishing additional services for printing
Tutorial: Basic high-quality web map printing/exporting using arcpy.mapping
Tutorial: Advanced high-quality web map printing/exporting using arcpy.mapping
Overview of the Network Analyst geoprocessing service examples
Geoprocessing service example: Drive-time polygons
Geoprocessing service example: Shortest route on a street network
Deploying custom .NET and C++ tools
Deploying custom Java function tools
Deploying custom Python packages for ArcGIS Server
Migrating geoprocessing services from version 10 to 10.1
What is a globe service?
Tips for authoring globe services
Publishing a globe service
Setting globe service properties
Analyzing your globe
Globe service usage
Key concepts for image services
Preparing image services
Publishing image services
Image service parameters
Data store scenarios for image services
Publishing an image service on Linux from a mosaic dataset
Server-side processing with raster functions
Share imagery as an ArcGIS Online tiled map service
KML support in ArcGIS Server
Authoring maps for publishing as KML
Viewing services as KML
Managing KML network links
Creating a KML network link from a map service
Uploading an existing KML network link to ArcGIS Server
What is a map service?
Common reasons for using map services
Publishing a map service
Setting map service properties
Previewing your map
Publishing a map service with Python
Clients for map services
About dynamic layers
Enabling dynamic layers on a map service in ArcGIS for Desktop
Enabling dynamic layers on a map service in Manager
Map service planning
Map authoring considerations
Designing a map to overlay ArcGIS Online, Google Maps, or Bing Maps
Supported functionality in map services
Drawing behaviors of the map service
Serving time-aware layers
Line aliasing in map services
Path size limitation for publishing
00001: Data frame does not have layers
00002: Data frame does not have a spatial reference
00003: Layer's data source is inaccessible
00004: Layer's data source is not supported
00005: Layer type is not supported
00006: Layer's symbology is not supported
00007: Layer's definition query is invalid
00011: Raster symbology uses statistics from the current display extent
00012: The combination of spatial reference and the units used in the layer's proportional symbology is not supported
00013: Layer uses a symbol that is not supported
00014: Annotation layer does not draw in table of contents order
00015: Annotation layer is being drawn with the densify annotation baseline option enabled
00016: The option to not rotate marker symbols with the data frame is not supported
00017: Data frame has at least one annotation group that is enabled and contains graphics
00018: Data frame uses a background symbol that is not a solid fill
00019: Layer contains a symbol type that does not match the referenced data source's geometry type
00020: Annotation layer uses a symbol that is not supported
00021: Feature selections are not supported
00022: Data frame uses unsupported 8.x style symbol level drawing
00023: Layer uses unsupported dynamic hillshade illumination
00024: Route hatch symbology is not supported
00025: Selection layers are not supported
00026: Data frames with a clip shape are not supported
00028: Annotation layer's feature class contains a symbol in the symbol collection that is not supported
00030: Layer participates in layer masking
00031: Layer contains representation rule <value> which uses custom geometric effect or marker placement
00032: Standalone table's data source is inaccessible
00033: Standalone table's data source is not supported
00035: Layer contains representation rule <value> with geometric logic error
00036: Layer uses a page definition query
00037: Basemap layers cannot be published directly to a map service
00038: Layer's workspace is currently being edited
00039: Accelerated raster layers cannot be published directly to a map service
00040: Accelerated raster service layers cannot be published directly to a map service
00041: Layer's cache properties do not allow local caching
00042: Raster catalog displays with Display as wireframe when <n> rasters are within the display extent option
00043: Unique value layer symbology contains values with the field delimiter
00044: The layer type or data source is not supported for schema only packages
00045: A layer description is required for packaging
00047: Layer's dataset is using an unknown coordinate system
00048: Layer's renderer uses unsupported option "Dot Size" to maintain density
00049: Basemap Layer supports only fixed placement of dots in the dot density fill symbol
00050: Layer is being published with custom class extension
00052: Standalone table is being published with custom class extension
00053: Layer is being published with custom feature
00055: Globe server layers cannot be republished
00056: Data frame contains multiple layers with the same name
00057: Layer name contains invalid characters
00058: Multiple layers reference a single feature class
00059: Layer’s data source is not registered with the geodatabase
00061: Standalone table’s data source is not registered with the geodatabase
00062: Data frame contains data that does not use the same connection to an enterprise geodatabase
00063: <value> data source is a personal geodatabase
00064: Layer has a join
00065: Layer has a definition expression
00066: Query layer has multiple unique identifier fields
00075: Query layer has a complex query
00078: Data source connection is using operating system authentication
00079: Cache spatial reference does not match map/dataset/layer spatial reference
00083: Layer has an invalid storage type
00084: Layer has an invalid data source (SDS)
00085: Layer uses an unsupported renderer
00088: Schematic layers don't support copying data to the server
00090: <value> requires a registered database
00091: Schema package has multiple workspaces
00093: Map document description is required for packaging
00094: Participating locator cannot be loaded or is missing
00095: Locator contains a custom plugin
00096: Locator is invalid
00097: Missing Summary in Item Description
00098: Missing Tags in Item Description
00099: Layer has a join with an unsupported data source
00100: Standalone table has a join with an unsupported data source
00101: OGC service's Name property is empty
00102: Data frame does not contain a required layer type for <value> capability
00103: Video layers cannot be published to a globe service
00105: The layer type or data source is not supported for packages
00109: Editing is not allowed as the layer's data is registered with the geodatabase
00110: Editing is not allowed as the table's data is registered with the geodatabase
00111: Layer is using an invalid direct connection (SDS)
00112: Standalone table is using an invalid direct connection (SDS)
00115: Layer name is empty
00116: Standalone table has a definition expression
00118: Query table has multiple unique identifier fields
00119: Standalone table has a join
00120: Query table has a complex query
00121: Layer's data source has no mapping
00122: Standalone table's data source has no mapping
00123: Shape field is not visible
00124: Tracking layer uses unsupported tracking symbology
00125: Tracking layer uses unsupported layer actions
00127: <value> uses VBScript and you are publishing to ArcGIS for Server (Linux)
00128: Layer's data source uses a direct connection to a SQL server and you are publishing to ArcGIS for Server (Linux)
00129: <value> Editor Tracking dates in database time zone
00130: Data frame name is empty or contains invalid characters
00131: Data source has no spatial reference (SDS)
00133: Geodatabase is not registered with the server
00134: Layer's data source is not supported
00135: Standalone table's data source is not supported
00136: Query layer has a non-integer unique identifier field
00137: Query table has a non-integer unique identifier field
00138: Standalone table has an invalid data source (SDS)
00139: Standalone table's data source is a personal geodatabase
00140: Layer's database connection user name does not match any SDS data source user name
00141: Referencing data with relative paths is not supported
00142: Layer's data source cannot be referenced in the ArcGIS Runtime
00145: Dynamic workspace is not registered with the server
00146: The <value> extension needed for layer <value> is not <value>
00147: The <value> extension is not <value> on the ArcGIS Server
00149: The tile cache size that will be generated exceeds the available disk space on the server
00154: Layer's data frame is using an unknown coordinate system
00155: No transformation exists from the data frame's datum to WGS 1984 Major Auxiliary Sphere
00156: Locator with place-name alias table is not supported
00157: The published layer's data source will be PostgreSQL and the layer uses field names that are not lower case used in <value>
00158: Layer is z or m aware and the storage type is Oracle Spatial
00160: Edit capability is enabled on the image service but dynamic image workspaces are not defined.
00161: Versioned feature layer does not have a versioned view
00162: Versioned standalone table does not have a versioned view
00163: Enabled Feature Access capabilities <value> do not match feature layer user privileges <value>
00164: Enabled Feature Access capabilities <value> do not match standalone table user privileges <value>
00165: Data in the map is referencing a version other than DEFAULT
00166: Layer's ObjectID is not maintained by the database and the feature service is being published with Create capability enabled
00167: Standalone table's ObjectID is not maintained by the database and the feature service is being published with Create capability enabled
00168: Geometric networks cannot be copied with a basic license
00169: Standalone table name is empty
00170: Maximum Size of Requests of the mosaic dataset must be greater than 4096 X 4096
00171: The estimated amount of credits exceeds the amount available for the organization by <value>
00172: There are no credits available for the organization to publish this service
00174: Expression uses VBScript, this is not supported in the ArcGIS Runtime
00175: <value> exceeds operating system limit
00176: <value> path exceeds operating system limit
00177: Path exceeds operating system limit
00179: Layer's data source must be registered with the server
00180: Standalone table's data source must be registered with the server
00181: Locator must be registered with the server
10001: Layer's data source has a different projection <value> than the data frame's projection
10002: Layer's data source doesn't have a spatial index
10003: Layer doesn't have an attribute index on fields used for a join
10005: <value> data source is a personal geodatabase
10006: Layer's definition query uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table
10007: Label class value has an SQL query that uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table
10008: Label class value has a label expression that uses unqualified field names for fields that exist in more than one table
10009: Enabling the option to convert layer transparency to color transparency may improve performance
10010: Raster data source does not have statistics
10011: Layer's data source uses wavelet compression
10012: Layer uses dynamic panchromatic sharpening
10013: Layer uses dynamic orthorectification
10014: Layer's draw time may be affected by slow join access times
10017: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a picture marker symbol
10018: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a character marker symbol
10019: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a non-simple fill symbol
10020: Layer uses symbol level drawing with a marker symbol with a halo
10026: Layer uses symbol level drawing with field-based transparency
10027: Layer's data source is referenced via a UNC path
10028: Annotation layer's feature class does not have a symbol stored in a symbol collection
10029: Raster data source does not have pyramids
10030: Layer's data source is ArcSDE not accessed via a direct connection
10031: Raster catalog layer uses color correction
10032: Layer's data source consists of nested joins
10033: Layer uses symbol level drawing with layer transparency
10035: Layer's definition query references field names that are not indexed
10036: Label class value has an SQL query that references field names that are not indexed
10037: Label class value has an SQL query that is not optimizable
10038: Data Frame uses the Maplex Label Engine
10040: Layer uses representations
10041: Layer uses symbol level drawing with layer masking
10042: Layer uses symbol level drawing with feature masking
10043: Layer's data source is an XY Event Table
10044: Layer's data source is a linear referencing event table
10045: Map is being published with data copied to the server using data frame full extent
10046: Texture downscaling has not been set for the multipatch layer
10047: The layer does not have distance visibility ranges set
10049: Changes to the background display settings for the ArcGlobe document will not be honored
10064: Compact cache storage format recommended for storing cache tiles
10066: Map is not time enabled and all the data in time enabled layers will draw by default
10067: Layer's data source is NetCDF
10068: Standalone table's data source is NetCDF
10069: Tracking layer referring to data on disk may cause poor performance
10070: Tracking layer referencing large dataset may cause poor performance
10071: Purge rule for real-time tracking layer may cause poor performance
20001: Layer uses a picture symbol with a reference scale
20002: Layer uses an EMF picture symbol with image separation
20003: Layer uses a simple marker symbol with a halo
20004: Layer uses a simple line symbol with a style other than solid
20005: Annotation feature class contains a symbol in the symbol collection with the Rotate With Transform option disabled
20007: Layer contains a multilayer line symbol whose symbol widths may result in aliasing
20008: Layer uses a text symbol which draws with faux bold or italic styles
20009: Layer uses the size renderer with an arrow marker symbol
20010: Data frame uses unsupported background symbol
20011: Layer's data source references a dynamic map service
20012: Layer supports time data
20013: The layer type or data source is not supported in 9.3.1 packages
20014: Topology errors will not be included in the package
20015: Layer's data source will be converted to a file geodatabase
20017: Layer does not support intersecting the data frame
20018: Basemap layers will be converted to group layers in 9.3.1 packages
20019: Layer is being published with custom class extension
20020: Dataset is being published with custom class extension
20021: Standalone table is being published with custom class extension
20022: Layer is being published with custom feature
20023: Dataset is being published with custom feature
20024: Layer uses a simple fill symbol that is a non-solid fill
20025: Layer uses fonts which are not embeddable and are not on the server
20026: Layer is an ECW format raster
20027: Layer uses advanced renderer settings
20028: Data source has no spatial reference
20029: Layer's symbology is not supported (KML)
20030: Layer is z-aware (SDS)
20031: Layer is m-aware (SDS)
20032: Layer is using unsupported label settings (KML)
20033: Data format requires additional ArcGIS Runtime deployment option
20034: Your service will use the WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) coordinate system
20035: Utility network flow direction symbol will not be drawn
20036: Annotation layer may use inline fonts that are not installed on the server
24004: MIXED tile format recommended to cache a map with raster layers
24011: Data source is not registered with the server and data will be copied to the server
24012: Standalone table's data source is not registered with the server and data will be copied to the server
24016: Mosaic dataset contains error(s) found during item-level analysis
24020: Locator spatial reference is set as Unknown
24022: Mosaic dataset items have not been analyzed
24024: Map contains multiple data frames
24026: Layer type is not supported (SDS)
24027: Data frame uses a custom coordinate system
24028: Service properties contain reserved characters
24029: Layer's data source does not contain a Global ID field
24030: Layer's attachment table does not contain a Global ID field
24031: Service actions for real-time tracking layer will not be used
24033: Layer's data source is m-aware
24034: Layer's data source is z-aware and no default z-value is defined
24035: <value> type is not supported for Feature Service
24036: Data source password will be transmitted in clear text (unencrypted)
24037: Data source password will be transmitted in clear text (unencrypted)
24038: Layer’s data source is required to be versioned for editing
24040: Layer has an in-memory join or relate
24041: Layer does not have a feature template set
24042: Layer's feature template uses unsupported construction tool
24043: Related layers or tables are not present in the data frame
24044: Locator will be copied to the server
24047: Annotation expression uses VBScript and you are publishing to ArcGIS Server (Linux)
24048: Shape field is not visible
24049: Raster symbology uses statistics from the current display extent
24050: The tile cache size that will be generated is likely to exceed the available disk space on the server
24053: Locators in personal geodatabase will be copied to the server
24054: Place-name alias table in locator will be reset to None
24055: On demand caching is enabled. The defined caching scales are out of mosaic dataset visible range. Blank tiles will be generated at those scales.
24057: PNG8 is not a recommended tile format for caching a multi-band image service.
24058: Missing Summary in Item Description
24059: Missing Tags in Item Description
24060: Layer references panchromatic image that will not be copied to server and pan sharpening will not occur on server
24061: Layer references DEM image that will not be copied to server and orthorectification will not occur on server
24062: A higher value of Maximum Number of Rasters per Mosaic is recommended
24064: The estimated amount of credits is equivalent to <value>% of available credits for the organization
24065: Data frame is using full map extent
24067: Annotation expression uses VBScript, this is not supported in the ArcGIS Runtime
24068: The service's estimated cache size of <value> may result in a significant amount of tile generation time as well as storage
30001: Annotation layer's feature class does not have an index on the AnnotationClassID field
30002: Annotation layer's feature class does not have an index on the Status field
30003: Layer draws at all scale ranges
30004: Layer uses a gradient fill
30005: Group layer is empty
30006: Layer's data source references a web service
30007: Vertical lines not supported in a 9.3.1 file geodatabase
30008: Map is time enabled and the default view of the service will display data for time enabled layers that fall within the specified time extent
30009: Composite locator will be copied to the server
Mobile data services
Network analysis services
OGC support in ArcGIS Server
WCS services
Available WCS service properties
Accessing WCS service properties in Manager
Accessing WCS service properties in ArcGIS for Desktop
Communicating with a WCS service in a web browser
Using external capabilities files with WCS services
WFS services
Available WFS service properties
Accessing WFS service properties in Manager
Accessing WFS service properties in ArcGIS for Desktop
Communicating with a WFS service in a web browser
Using external capabilities files with WFS services
Web editing with WFS services
Tutorial: Publishing a WFS service
Tutorial: Publishing a WFS-T service
WMS services
WMS scope and compatibility matrix
Available WMS service properties
Accessing WMS service properties in Manager
Accessing WMS service properties in ArcGIS for Desktop
Using external capabilities files with WMS services
Using Styled Layer Descriptors with WMS services
WMS Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) support in ArcGIS Server
WMS Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) samples
Filtering features using the layerDefs parameter in WMS requests
Communicating with a WMS service in a web browser
Defining a custom projection for a WMS service
Customizing a WMS GetFeatureInfo response
Tutorial: Publishing a WMS service
WMTS services
WPS services
Available WPS service properties
Accessing WPS service properties in Manager
Accessing WPS service properties in ArcGIS for Desktop
Using an external capabilities file with a WPS service
Tutorial: Publishing a WPS service
Viewing OGC services in Manager
Schematics services
Authoring schematic layers
Publishing a schematic service
Consuming a schematic service
About publishing schematics data
Sharing schematic data on ArcGIS.com
What is map caching?
A quick tour of map caching
Creating a map cache
Planning a map cache
Available map cache properties
Accessing map cache properties in Manager
Accessing map cache properties in ArcGIS for Desktop
Estimating the size of a map cache
Ways to add tiles to a cache
Strategies for creating map cache tiles
Map caching based on feature boundaries
Map caching on demand
Viewing cache completion status
Spatial reporting of map cache status
Map cache usage by clients
Map cache updates
Accelerating map cache creation
Exporting and importing map caches
Inside the compact cache storage format
Labels in map caches
Local cache directories on the server
Designing a map to overlay ArcGIS Online, Google Maps, or Bing Maps
Tips and best practices for map caches
Tutorial: Creating a cached map service
What is image service caching?
Creating an image service cache
How applications access and use the image service cache
Converting a map service cache to an image service cache
How globe caches work
Accessing globe cache properties
Available globe cache properties
Creating globe cache tiles
Globe caching based on feature boundaries
Globe cache usage by clients
Globe cache updates
Allocation of server resources to caching
Automating cache creation and updates with geoprocessing
Copying caches
Common caching questions
What is a server object extension?
What's new in server object extensions at 10.1
Steps for developing and deploying a server object extension
Server object extension coding practices
Deploying a server object extension
Enabling a server object extension on a service
Debugging a server object extension
Server object extension usage in client applications
Migrating a Java server object extension to 10.1
Alternatives to server object extensions
Metadata for services
About creating web GIS applications
Sharing your map in a web application
Creating web applications with the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
Creating web applications with the ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight
Creating web applications with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Creating web applications with the ArcGIS API for Flex
Creating web applications with the ArcGIS API for Silverlight
Printing in web applications
Using your own layouts for printing
Tutorial: Publishing additional services for printing
Printing maps that contain secured services
Advanced printing for web maps
ExportWebMap specification
About web GIS
A framework for deploying web GIS applications
About building your own basemaps
About operational layers
About editing in web applications
Restricting cross-domain requests to ArcGIS Server
Inside an ArcGIS Server site
Configuring a one-machine deployment
Configuring a multiple-machine deployment
About the ArcGIS Web Adaptor
Installing the ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) on Linux
Configuring the Web Adaptor after installation
Enabling SSL on ArcGIS Server when accessed through the ArcGIS Web Adaptor
Uninstalling the ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) on Linux
Expanding from one GIS server to multiple GIS servers
Criteria for adding a GIS server to a site
Accounts used by ArcGIS Server
Deployment scenarios
Anticipating and accommodating users
Data storage considerations for an ArcGIS Server site
About server logs
Viewing, querying, and configuring server logs
Troubleshooting map service performance with server logs
Log codes overview
ArcObjects log codes
Core server log codes
Geoprocessing service log codes
Map service log codes
Submitting error reports
Specifying the number of error reports to save
Backing up and restoring your ArcGIS Server site
ArcGIS Server in development, staging, and production environments
Logging in to Manager
Creating a new site
Joining an existing site
About adding a GIS server to a site
Adding a GIS server to a site in Manager
Adding a GIS server to a site in ArcGIS for Desktop
About deleting a GIS server from a site
Deleting a GIS server from a site in Manager
Deleting a GIS server from a site in ArcGIS for Desktop
About GIS server clusters
Creating a GIS server cluster in Manager
Creating a GIS server cluster in ArcGIS for Desktop
Editing a GIS server cluster in Manager
Editing a GIS server cluster in ArcGIS for Desktop
Deleting a GIS server cluster in Manager
Deleting a GIS server cluster in ArcGIS for Desktop
About connecting to ArcGIS Server in ArcGIS for Desktop
Making an administrative connection to ArcGIS Server in ArcGIS for Desktop
Making a publisher connection to ArcGIS Server in ArcGIS for Desktop
Making a user connection to ArcGIS Server in ArcGIS for Desktop
About specifying server log settings
Specifying server log settings in Manager
Specifying server log settings in ArcGIS for Desktop
About server directories
Adding a server directory in Manager
Adding a server directory in ArcGIS for Desktop
Editing a server directory in Manager
Editing a server directory in ArcGIS for Desktop
About the configuration store
Specifying the configuration store location in Manager
Specifying the configuration store location using ArcGIS for Desktop
Changing the default service definition staging folder in ArcGIS for Desktop
Checking server diagnostics using the diagnostics tool
Configuring a connection to a database in ArcGIS Server
Deleting a site
Disabling automatic data copying when publishing to the server
Disabling schema locking on a map service
Displaying the types of services that can be hosted
Editing the primary site administrator account
Editing service gallery settings in Manager
Re-creating the geometry service
Registering JPIP Server with ArcGIS for Server
Setting environment variables for ArcGIS Server
Using a proxy server to connect to the Internet
Viewing machine information in Manager
Viewing software authorization metadata in Manager
Viewing Web Adaptor properties in Manager
About the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory
Securing your ArcGIS Server site
How ArcGIS Server security works
The ArcGIS Server account
Configuring a secure environment for ArcGIS Server
Best practices for configuring a secure environment
Firewalls and ArcGIS Server
Ports used by ArcGIS Server
Making your data accessible to ArcGIS Server
Configuring ArcGIS Server security
Restricting access to ArcGIS Server
Restricting access to GIS web services
Editing permissions in Manager
Disabling the Services Directory
Restricting cross-domain requests to ArcGIS Server
Managing users in Manager
Adding a new user in Manager
Modifying a user in Manager
Managing roles in Manager
Adding a new role in Manager
Modifying a role in Manager
Editing the primary site administrator account
User account lockout policy
Disabling the primary site administrator account
Resetting a forgotten password
Publisher role support in Manager
About the identity store
Setting up a custom identity store using Java
About ArcGIS tokens
Editing token settings in Manager
Accessing ArcGIS token-secured web services
Acquiring ArcGIS tokens
Disabling token acquisition through HTTP GET requests
Securing ArcGIS Server communication
Introduction to SSL
Enabling SSL on ArcGIS Server
Suppressing warnings from self-signed certificates
Disabling HTTP access to ArcGIS Server
Integrating ArcGIS Server security with an Oracle database
Securing services with users and roles specific to ArcGIS Server
Securing services with users and roles from an LDAP server
Enabling SSL using the default self-signed certificate
Enabling SSL using a self-signed certificate
Enabling SSL using a new CA-signed certificate
Scripting ArcGIS Server administration
Scripting with the ArcGIS Server Administrator API
Scripting languages and the ArcGIS Server Administrator API
Example: Create a site
Example: Join a machine to a site
Example: Start the geometry service
Example: Stop or start all services in a folder
Example: Check a folder for stopped services
Example: Write properties of all services to a CSV file
Example: Edit service properties
Example: Publish a service with detailed parameters
Example: Query the ArcGIS Server logs
Example: Derive map service statistics from the ArcGIS Server logs
Example: Write requested map extents to a feature class
Example: Create users and roles from a CSV file
Example: Create users and roles from two text files
Example: Apply permissions to a service
Example: Apply service permissions from a text file
Example: Prevent data copying at publish time
Scripting service publishing with ArcPy
Example: Publish various service types using service definitions
Example: Publish service definitions listed in a text file
Example: Publish a map service from a map document (MXD)
Example: Publish a geoprocessing service from a model result
Example: Publish an image service from a folder of images
Example: Register a data folder at publish time
Example: Register folders and databases listed in a text file
ArcGIS Server command line utilities
Convert Cache Storage Format utility
Create Cache Schema utility
Create Service utility
Delete Cache utility
Manage Cache Tiles utility
Manage Service utility
Manage Site utility
Deploying an ArcGIS Server site on VMware
3D Analyst extension
Geoportal extension
Geostatistical Analyst extension
Image extension
Network Analyst extension
What's new in the ArcGIS for Server Network Analyst extension
Schematics extension
Spatial Analyst extension
Common problems and solutions
Copyright information
ArcGIS Acknowledgments