About the identity store

The identity store is the location where users and roles are managed. Out of the box, ArcGIS Server provides a built-in, file-based identity store. You can also configure ArcGIS Server to use a database, a directory server, or a custom-made store as your identity store.

In a few cases, you can also manage users and roles separately, by having users in your existing identity store and setting up roles in the ArcGIS Server built-in store. The table below lists identity stores supported by ArcGIS Server.

Supported configurations

Users managed in

Supported locations for roles

ArcGIS Server built-in store

ArcGIS Server built-in store

LDAP server

ArcGIS Server built-in store or LDAP server

Windows Active Directory

ArcGIS Server built-in store or Windows Active Directory

Custom store

ArcGIS Server built-in store or Custom store

For instructions on how to configure the identity store for ArcGIS Server, see Configuring ArcGIS Server security.
