Spatial reporting of map cache status
Spatial information about the completion of map cache tiles is contained in the Status.gdb file geodatabase in each cache folder. You can make a copy of this geodatabase in another directory and open its feature classes in ArcMap to see tables and maps of map cache completion status. The TaskStatus feature class is especially useful for seeing the tile bundle boundaries.
If you think your Status.gdb is out of sync with the true cache status, you can use the Manage Map Server Cache Status tool to rebuild Status.gdb. On-demand caching, manually copying tiles into your cache, or caching tool errors can all cause Status.gdb to get out of sync.
Status.gdb is extraordinarily valuable when troubleshooting a cache. If you experience a cache failure and you have no other way to resume the job where you left off, run Manage Map Server Cache Status to rebuild the status. Note the areas where the caching ended and consider whether any feature in that area of your map could have provoked the failure. Then select and export the uncached bundles to a feature class and use them to define the boundaries of your next caching job. This approach is much faster than running the Recreate Empty Tiles option of Manage Map Server Cache Tiles.