About publishing services

A service takes your GIS resource, such as a map, tool, or geodatabase, and makes it available to a wider audience on ArcGIS for Server. ArcGIS for Desktop is designed to help you share your work with others as a service.

The way that you publish a service varies based on the GIS resource type. The table below highlights how to begin the publishing process in ArcGIS for Desktop:



If you want to publish a map or globe document...

...open the ArcMap or ArcGlobe document and choose File > Share As > Service from the main menu.

If you want to publish a geoprocessing model or tool...

...browse to a successful result of the model or tool in the Results window, right-click it, then choose Share As > Geoprocessing Service.

If you want to publish something else, such as a geodatabase or address locator...

...browse to the item in ArcCatalog or the Catalog window, right-click it, then choose Share As Service.

From this point you have three choices:
