Data Interoperability extension
The Data Interoperability extension is an integrated spatial ETL (extract, transform, and load) toolset that enables you to translate, transform, and integrate data from numerous sources and formats, including GML, XML, Autodesk, DWG/DXF, MapInfo MID/MIF/TAB, Oracle and Oracle Spatial, and Intergraph GeoMedia Warehouse, in ArcGIS for Desktop. Expanded data resources exposed by the Data Interoperability extension can be made available to ArcGIS for Server and utilized in desktop, mobile, and web clients by activating the Data Interoperability extension.
The ArcGIS Help describes in more detail how to use the Data Interoperability extension. See the following topics for more information:
- What is the Data Interoperability extension?
- A quick tour of the Data Interoperability extension
- Publishing Data Interoperability tools with ArcGIS Server
Working with data resources on the web
Map services and geoprocessing services are the way that you'll provide data resources on the web. You'll expose the data resources in ArcGIS for Desktop using the Data Interoperability extension, then publish the resources to your ArcGIS Server site as map and geoprocessing services. Internet or intranet users can then use these services in supported client applications, such as web browsers and mobile applications.
For example, with the Data Interoperability extension, you can do the following:
- Create map services that contain any of the data formats supported by the Data Interoperability extension.
- Create geoprocessing services that utilize Quick Import, Quick Export, and custom spatial ETL tools.
To learn more about making your data resources available on the web, see the following topics: