Consuming a schematic service

Once you've published your schematics service to a GIS server, it will be available to clients both locally and on the web. Because of the many capabilities the schematics service exposes, it can be used in a variety of web applications.


You will get better performance and responsiveness if your diagrams are organized in schematic folders when they are exposed on the web in client applications.

Schematics service URLs

To connect to a schematics service, you need to know the URL. Schematics services published to ArcGIS Server have this URL format: http://<server name>:<port number>/arcgis/services/<folder name (if applicable)>/<service name>/MapServer/exts/SchematicsServer.

Published schematic layers and allowed operations

The type of the published schematic layers and the schematics operations enabled when publishing determine how the schematics service can be consumed and what kind of manipulations the client can operate on the schematic diagrams. The table below sums up the different situations:

Type of published schematic layers / Schematics operations enabled

Schematic layers related to unitary schematic diagrams

Schematic layers related to a schematic diagram template

Query operation enabled

  • Displaying diagrams
  • Layout without saving results
  • Displaying diagrams
  • Layout without saving results

Query and Editing operations enabled

  • Displaying diagrams
  • Updating diagrams
  • Layout and saving results
  • Removing diagrams
  • Locking/unlocking diagrams
  • Displaying diagrams
  • Updating diagrams
  • Layout and saving results
  • Removing diagrams
  • Locking/unlocking diagrams
  • Generating new diagrams

Schematics services and web applications

In web applications, schematics services must be consumed programmatically. ArcGIS for Server offers a Schematics REST API and a Silverlight platform for integrating schematic data with GIS into an enterprise application environment.

ArcGIS for Server Schematics REST API

The ArcGIS for Server Schematics REST (Representational State Transfer) API provides an open web interface to schematics services hosted by ArcGIS Server. It allows working with the schematics data service in a client application. All resources and operations exposed by the REST API are accessible through a hierarchy of endpoints or Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for each published schematics service.

ArcGIS for Server Schematics REST Reference Guide

ArcGIS for Server Schematics API for Silverlight

ArcGIS for Server offers the Schematics Silverlight APIs for web application development.

The ArcGIS for Server Schematics API for Silverlight allows users to rapidly and easily develop with the underlying schematic objects and data that power the Schematics extension. These resources will enable you to add substantial value to your SL client applications by allowing you to easily search and browse schematic diagrams, display them, perform schematic algorithms on them, and so on.


The ArcGIS for Server Schematics API for Silverlight is provided with some of the downloadable Silverlight sample web applications available from the gallery section on the ArcGIS Schematics Resource Center—for example, Schematics Configurable Web Application - ArcGIS API for Silverlight 2.4 or Schematics Diagrams Viewer - ArcGIS API for Silverlight 2.4.

ArcGIS for Server Schematics Code Gallery

The gallery section on ArcGIS Schematics Resource Center links to Silverlight sample web applications that exemplify the Schematics extension SL functions on ArcGIS for Server:

These two sample web applications are preconfigured to work with some public schematics services published on However, since these applications are generic applications, they allow you to connect to your own schematics services and play with your own schematic diagrams without writing any code.

Schematics on ArcGIS Online

The Schematics SOE only works by referencing the source data of schematic layers. This means that on a cloud platform, where ArcGIS Server may not be able to access the source data and no schematic data can be locally copied, there is no easy way to share schematic diagrams.

However, there is a workaround that can be used to build web map on map viewer and ArcGIS Explorer Online. This workaround doesn't work directly from the schematic data but on the set of schematic features obtained when converting a diagram using the Convert Diagram To Features geoprocessing tool, this set of features being then referenced in a map document which can be published as a simple map service on ArcGIS Online.

Learn about sharing schematic data on
