An overview of the Cartographic Data toolset
The Cartographic Data toolset provides functionality that creates cartographic data for use in defense mapping products.
Toolsets | Description |
The Banding toolset contains tools that generate polygon bands for use in cartographic elements in defense mapping products. |
Tool | Description |
Creates one or more grids and graticules layers from multiple selected areas of interest (AOIs) with the Esri Defense Mapping Make Defense Grids and Graticules tool. A grids and graticules layer is a group layer composed of point, line, polygon, and annotation feature classes. Masking and symbology are applied to the layers within the group layer to create feature-based cartographic effects for high-end map products. | |
Esri Defense Mapping cartographic production tool that aligns, moves, or hides building marker symbols based on a specification defined in an .xml file. | |
Esri Defense Mapping cartographic production tool that creates data used in the adjoining sheet guide of defense mapping templates. This tool uses an input area of interest (AOI) to find surrounding areas of interest. It creates data within those AOIs in the ASG_COAST_L and ASG_LAND_A feature classes. | |
Esri Defense Mapping cartographic production tool that creates data required for an Elevation Guide Box in defense specific map templates. This tool uses banding and thinning tools to create elevation bands, spot heights and hydro features for the guide box. | |
Esri Defense Mapping cartographic production tool that produces a complete map document (.mxd) based on a specified map product. The tool uses an area of interest (defense map product and data model version) elevation and feature data to create a map document that contains defense-specific graphics. | |
Esri Defense Mapping cartographic production tool that returns the correct grid .xml file for a given grid type and area of interest (AOI). You can use the returned .xml file in the Make Defense Grids and Graticules or Batch Make Defense Grids and Graticules tools. | |
Generates a grids and graticules layer for Esri Defense Mapping products. This tool supports the creation of single, dual, and zipper zone grids. It simplifies grid creation by automatically populating several parameters based on a selected feature and an input grid type. It determines zone type and the correct grid .xml template used to generate the grids and graticules layer. It also determines a grid's primary and ancillary coordinate system and estimates reference scale and annotation mask margin. | |
Esri Defense Mapping cartographic production tool that sets feature representations invisible in an input feature layer or selected set of features. Setting a representation invisible does not alter its feature geometry. Use this functionality to improve a map product's aesthetic or cartographic quality by hiding overlapping features and removing visual clutter. | |
Populates text in defense-specific graphic elements on an ArcMap layout. Text is populated with feature attribute values from a selected area of interest (AOI) feature in the map. The tool searches each graphic element for bracketed ([]) text. It compares bracketed text to values in a list. Any matching values are replaced in the graphic element with an attribute value from the selected AOI feature. |