Calculating nautical symbology for all features (Maritime Charting)

Symbols are used to display real-world objects in a way that is meaningful to those who use charts for navigation. The ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting uses tools in the Nautical Symbology toolbar and feature class representations to apply symbology.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Open the product map document if necessary.
  3. Ensure all layers to be symbolized have been added to the map document.

    For example, features from the CartographicFeatures feature dataset.

  4. In the Table Of Contents window, click the List By Drawing Order List By Drawing Order button.
  5. Ensure you are in the appropriate edit version for all feature classes to calculate symbology.
  6. Select all layers in the Table Of Contents window .
  7. On the Nautical Symbology toolbar, click Symbology > Calculate (All).

    Representation rules and text fields are assigned to all features.

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