Applying a masking set (Maritime Charting)
Masking settings allow you to determine what layers block out, or mask, parts of other layers. Masking can improve legibility of text on a chart and improve cartographic depiction of features. You can determine which features mask other features by creating a set of masking rules. Once you have created a masking set, you can apply it to feature layers in a chart.
- Start ArcMap.
- Add the Feature Display Settings tool in ArcMap by doing the following:
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Customize.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- Click the Commands tab. In the Categories list, choose Production Cartography.
- In the Commands list, choose Feature Display Settings.
- Drag the Feature Display Settings tool onto any toolbar.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Customize.
Click the Feature Display Settings button .
The Feature Display Settings dialog box appears.
- Click the Masking Settings tab.
- Click the Masking Set drop-down arrow and choose the masking set you want to apply to your map.
Click Load.
The settings are loaded for the masking set.
Click Apply.
A message appears informing you that the masking settings have been applied to the map.
Click OK.
The map refreshes with the masking settings applied.
- Click the Close button to close the Feature Display Settings dialog box.
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