ReviewerConsole actions (Aeronautical Solution)
The ReviewerConsole command actions allow you to analyze and run Reviewer batch jobs on a dataset. You can also create or erase Reviewer sessions in a workspace, as needed, or list the checks that are included in a batch job.
Parameter |
Description |
Configuration notes |
/create |
Creates or converts the specified workspace and/or session. |
/delete | Deletes a specific session or group of sessions. |
/erase |
Erases all Reviewer tables from the specified workspace. |
/exec |
Executes the specified batch job or batch jobs. The following options can also be used with /exec:
/list |
Lists the Reviewer batch job checks or Reviewer session information from a workspace. When listing Reviewer workspace information, a list of the sessions and their names is provided. When listing batch jobs, the listing includes information on the batch job (who created it, number of checks, and so forth) and information on each individual check. Checks are listed group by group. If multiple batch jobs are specified to list, the listing is grouped by batch job. |
/merge |
Merges the batch job content into a single batch job specified as output_batch_job_file_name. |
/validate |
Validates the Reviewer batch job checks in the list of batch jobs or the service job. The output provides a summary validation report that applies to all jobs specified on the command line along with individual stats for each job. |
The /changedonly and /nodefault flags
The following flags can be used in conjunction with /exec to further control the way batch jobs are run on a workspace.
- /changedonly—Can be used when running batch jobs against versioned geodatabases and when running the checks against a version other than default.
The /changedonly flag instructs the underlying Reviewer Engine to execute the batch job checks on changed (edited) features only. It corresponds to the Changed Features Only check box on the Reviewer Batch Validate dialog box. Internally, the Reviewer Engine constructs a difference cursor to identify the changed features and executes the checks against the features returned by the difference cursor. If the /changedonly option is specified for checks that use a workspace that is not versioned or is not a version other than default, it is ignored. The workspaces being referred to, with regard to the /changedonly option, are the workspaces that are specified in the batch job check data source parameters, not the Reviewer workspace specified via the /wks: option. The use of a versioned workspace for the /wks: parameter has no bearing on the behavior of the /changedonly flag.
- /nodefault
When the checks for one or more batch jobs are prepared for execution against the Reviewer Engine, any default checks specified for the active session are also constructed. A default check is constructed for each feature dataset referenced in any check of the batch jobs. This behavior is identical to the construction of the Default node in the Reviewer Batch Validate dialog box after clicking Validate All. Specifying the /nodefault option skips creation of any default checks specified in the active session. To change which default checks, if any, are executed in conjunction with batch jobs, open the Reviewer Session Manager dialog box in ArcMap and click the Default Checks tab. Check the check boxes next to the default checks to be executed for that particular session.