ReviewerConsole inputs (Production Mapping)
The inputs for the ReviewerConsole command include the workspace, session, batch job, and XML information that can be specified for an action.
Parameter |
Description |
Configuration notes |
/job: | A Data Reviewer service job configuration XML file | This file can be used in lieu of specifying the /rbj:, /wks:, and /session: parameters, if you have a service configuration job available. |
/wks: |
The geodatabase that contains the Reviewer session and administrative tables |
The value for this parameter is one of the following:
/session: |
The name of the Reviewer session that records the batch job results |
The session name needs to be placed in quotes if it contains spaces. |
/sessionid | The numeric identifier for a Reviewer session. | You can input one or more session ids. /sessionid:1 or /sessionid:1,2,3,4 |
/rbj: |
A list of one or more batch job files that will be processed |
The value for this parameter is the path to the batch job file and the batch job file name. Multiple batch jobs must be comma separated. If the file name or path contains spaces, it must be placed in quotes. |
/job: |
This executes the specified Reviewer service job. The workspace, session, and batch jobs specified in the job configuration are used in lieu of providing the /rbj:, /wks:, and /session: parameters individually in conjunction with the /exec action. |
This parameter causes the program to ignore any schedule information specified in the service job file. |
/v: | The geodatabase workspace version. | This is used in conjunction with /create and /session to associate an enterprise version with the new session. It can also be used in conjunction with the /pd: parameter to specify the version of the production database that is going to be validated with the batch jobs. The version name must be in quotes if it contains spaces; for example, "Test Data". This parameter can only be used in conjunction with the /pd: parameter if you have a product library. |
/pl: | The product library workspace that contains the batch jobs to run. | The product library can only be set up if you have Production Mapping. |
/pd: | The geodatabase workspace that is going to be validated by the batch jobs. | If this parameter is not defined, the batch jobs are used to validate the workspaces referenced in the batch jobs. If you define the /pl: parameter, the /pd: parameter must be defined. |
/type: | The type of batch jobs associated with a data model version in the product library. You can run Attribute, Spatial, or Reviewer batch jobs.
| If you list batch jobs to run, they must all have the same type associated with them. This parameter only applies if you have associated batch jobs with a data model version in the product library using Production Mapping. |
Specifying workspaces with the /wks: option
The /wks: option is used to specify the workspace that contains the Reviewer administration tables that store, for example, sessions and check errors. It is also used to specify workspaces in which Reviewer administration tables can be created or deleted. Any of the supported geodatabase workspace types can be specified as follows:
- File or personal geodatabase—Provide the full path to the file geodatabase (.gdb) folder or Microsoft Access database (.mdb). Use quotes if the path name contains spaces.
/wks:"C:\SampleData\FileGDB.gdb" /wks:"C:\SampleData\PersonalGDB.mdb"
- SDE database connection—Provide the name of the SDE connection file (.sde). Provide the full path to the connection file if it is located in a folder other than $\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\ESRI\Desktop10.1\ArcCatalog.
/wks:ReviewerDatabase.sde, /wks:"C:\Data\ConnectionFiles\ReviewerDatabase.sde"
- Database server connection file for a SQL Express database—Provide the name of the geodatabase server connection (.gds) file. Provide the full path to the connection file if it is located in a folder other than $\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\ESRI\Desktop10.1\ArcCatalog. In addition, the name of the database and, optionally, the version must also be specified if the version is something other than dbo.Default. The ReviewerConsole expects the database and version to be specified in a pseudo-path name syntax. The connection string is as follows:
Optional Path Components\Connection File.gds\Database Name\dbo.Version Name
For example:/wks:ReviewerDatabase.gds\VMAP
connects to the dbo.Default version in the VMAP database on the database server specified in the .gds file.
/wks: C:\Data\ConnectionFiles\ReviewerDatabase.gds\VM2T\dbo.DataEdits
connects to the dbo.DataEdits version in the VM2T database on the database server specified in the .gds file.
is an error. At a minimum, a database must be specified.