About dividing parcels by area in the parcel fabric
This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.
In the parcel fabric, parcels can be divided by area to create new parcels. Using the parcel division tool, you can divide parcels using the following area-based division methods:
- In equal widths
- By proportional area
- Into equal areas
When using the methods in equal widths and into equal areas, you have the option to create a remainder parcel if the areas do not completely divide the parent parcel. The parent parcel is flagged as historic when divided using the parcel division tool.
In equal widths
When dividing a parcel into equal widths, you specify a width value and the number of parcels to create. Split lines are equal widths apart, creating parcel areas of equal width. In the Parcel Division dialog box, you need to specify the number of parts (parcels) into which the parcel will be divided, the bearing of the split lines, and the width of each part. Depending on the bearing you enter for the split lines, the parcel will either be split horizontally (west–east) or vertically (north–south).

By proportional area
When dividing a parcel using proportional area, the entire parcel is divided and proportioned into equal areas based on the number of parts you specified. For example, if you specified three parts, the parcel is divided and proportioned into three equal areas, and if you entered four parts, the parcel is divided and proportioned into four equal areas. In the Parcel Division dialog box, you need to specify the number of parts into which the parcel will be divided and specify the bearing of the split lines. Depending on the bearing you enter for the split lines, the parcel will either be split horizontally (west–east) or vertically (north–south).
Into equal areas
When dividing a parcel into equal areas, you specify an area and the number of parcels to create. Newly divided parcels are created with the same area. Unlike proportional area, there can be a remainder parcel when dividing a parent parcel into parcels of equal areas. This is because the number of parcels created with the same area may not equal the entire area of the parent parcel. In the Parcel Division dialog box, you need to specify the number of parts into which the parcel will be divided, the bearing of the split lines, and an area value. Depending on the bearing you enter for the split lines, the parcel will either be split horizontally (west–east) or vertically (north–south).
Split lines

When specifying a split-line bearing, you need to ensure that all the split lines generated intersect the parcel. For example, if a parcel that is approximately 500 feet wide is divided into three areas of an equal width of 200 feet, one split line will be generated that does not intersect the parcel. This is because the split line lies beyond the parcel boundary. The error "A generated split line did not intersect with the source parcel" will be displayed in the map, and the tool will abort.