Connecting from an ArcGIS Server instance to an enterprise geodatabase
If you deployed an ArcGIS Server on Amazon Web Services on a Windows instance that includes an enterprise geodatabase, you can log in to your ArcGIS for Server instance and connect from ArcGIS for Desktop to the enterprise geodatabase.
- To connect to the instance, you must open ports in your security group.
See Administering your Amazon EC2 instance with Windows Remote Desktop Connection for information on opening ports, enabling Remote Desktop, obtaining the Administrator login's password, and authorizing ArcGIS for Desktop. (You can ignore the last step, though; you don't need to open Server Manager.)
- If your site has SQL Server Standard on its own dedicated EC2 instance, you must change the Windows Administrator passwords to be the same on both the EGDBHOST and SITEHOST instances.
See Changing passwords for the Windows Administrator for instructions.
- Once you have logged in to your ArcGIS for Server instance as the Administrator and authorized ArcGIS for Desktop, start ArcCatalog.
- Expand the Database Connections node in the Catalog tree.
- Double-click Add Database Connection.
- Provide the following connection properties to connect to your enterprise geodatabase in SQL Server:
Database Platform
SQL Server
The name of the SQL Server instance
You can use the site name EGDBHOST, or you can type the public DNS of the instance where the SQL Server instance is. The following is an example DNS:
Note that if you stop your site or your EC2 instance, the public DNS will change. Therefore, if you use the DNS to connect, you will have to update this connection information.
If your site has SQL Server on the same instance as ArcGIS for Server and ArcGIS for Desktop, you can type localhost instead.
Authentication Type
Operating system authentication
The name of the geodatabase to which you want to connect
By default, there are two geodatabases present on the SQL Server instance: egdb and geodata.
Be sure you check Save username and password.
The Database Connection dialog box should look similar to the following:
- Click OK to connect and close the Database Connection dialog box.
- Type a name for the connection.
For example, ags1connection.