Symbolizing a point as an imported 3D marker

You can use local 3D models, such as a SketchUp or COLLADA file, to symbolize a point as a 3D object inside ArcGlobe.

  1. Click the symbol in the table of contents for the point layer that you want to modify.
  2. The Symbol Selector dialog box opens.
  3. Click Edit Symbol.
  4. The Symbol Property Editor dialog box appears.
  5. Click the Type drop-down arrow and click 3D Marker Symbol.Type drop-down list of symbols on the Symbol Property Editor dialog box.
  6. Browse to the model you want to use and click Open from the Open dialog box.
  7. Click OK on all dialog boxes.
  • Not all VRML shapes are supported. Excluded shape types include Box, Cone, Cylinder, Extrusion, PointSet, Sphere, and Text.
  • If you are bringing in multiple models, you can create a point feature for each incoming model and use feature attributes to assign unique symbols, sizes, and rotation angles.
  • Import the model into a style for simple access to the model as a symbol for other layers.

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