Editing 3D multipatch features
Multipatch features can be used for different reasons, for example, to enhance 3D realistic symbology of a feature. Multipatch features can be edited in ArcScene, ArcGlobe, and ArcMap, just like all other feature types. However, as multipatch features are usually three-dimensional, and the ArcMap editing environment is two-dimensional, there are some limitations with the tools and functions available in that environment. Since ArcScene and ArcGlobe are three-dimensional environments, there are more editing options available for multipatch features, such as Replace with model and the Insert construction tool.
The 3D editing environment for multipatch editing focuses on whole feature management. That is, you can move, rotate, scale, delete, insert, replace, and copy multipatch features, as well as define and populate attributes for the features. Multipatch features can be created by converting 3D symbology to multipatch features or through 3D geoprocessing tools such as Layer 3D To Feature Class. You can also write ArcObjects code for generating complex multipatch geometries.
Supported editing actions for multipatches
Many editing actions are useful for multipatch geometries and are available for use with multipatch features. The list below represents common editing tasks for multipatch features:
- Attribute Editor: Create and maintain attributes for your multipatch features.
- Move: Relocate your multipatch features by interactively moving them or using precise distances.
- Rotate: Rotate a multipatch feature to change the direction it's facing.
- Scale (3D): Resize a multipatch feature on its 3D geometry.
- Snapping: You can use multipatch vertices, segments, and faces as part of the classic snapping environment.
- Spatial Adjustment tools: For multipatch features that were not created within a spatial reference system, adjust their size and position using the standard Spatial Adjustment tools (ArcMap only).
- Copy and Paste: Copy and paste an existing representative multipatch feature, such as a stylized house placed in strategic locations around the 3D view to develop a realistic scene of a proposed construction.
Unsupported editing actions for multipatches
Some editing actions are not appropriate for multipatch geometries and have been made unavailable for use with multipatch features. The list below contains some of the editing actions that are not available:
- Split tool: Splitting 3D multipatches using a 2D line is not supported.
- Various editing tasks: You cannot extend or trim multipatch geometries or reshape an edge of a multipatch feature using a 2D line.
- Topology edits: Multipatch features cannot participate in a topology.
- Sketch properties: Vertex-level sketch properties cannot be edited on the Edit Sketch Properties dialog box.